據(jù)最新研究報道籍琳,鎂補充劑(magnesium supplements)可以增加睡眠時間,提高自然褪黑激素水平贷祈。而且新的研究發(fā)現(xiàn)趋急,直接作用于皮膚的鎂可以比攝入的補充劑更快,更有效地將礦物質(zhì)輸送到身體势誊。日常生活中鎂主要存在于堅果和綠葉蔬菜中呜达,而已經(jīng)有公司開始著手研發(fā)含鎂潤膚露。
Do YOU suffer from insomnia(失眠)?
You may be lacking in MAGNESIUM: Mineral can boost sleep time if applied directly to the skin as expert reveals the 12 signs you are deficient
If you can't sleep, then chances are you've racked your brains[1] and probably raked[2]?Google?more than a few times, for what may be behind it.
[1]rack your brains: to think very hard 絞盡腦汁粟耻,搜腸刮肚
I've been racking my brains all day but I can't remember her name.
[2]rake: to search in a container by moving the contents around quickly 搜尋挤忙;搜翻霜威;搜索
Consuming too much caffeine after 3pm, not enough exercise or an overload of stress hormones are most often the culprits[3] of insomnia[4].
[3]culprit: a fact or situation that is the reason for something bad happening 問題的起因;罪魁禍首
Children in this country are getting much too fat, and sugar and sweets are the main culprits.
[4]insomnia: the condition of being unable to sleep, over a period of time 失眠(癥)
Holly suffered from insomnia caused by stress at work.
But an array of recent trials have pointed the blame at a magnesium deficiency[缺鎂] for thousands of people who toss and turn[5] at night,?Healthista?reports.
[5]toss and turn: to move about from side to side or turn a lot in bed, especially because you cannot sleep (尤指因無法入睡而)翻來覆去茄厘,輾轉(zhuǎn)反側
I was tossing and turning all night.
Studies have shown?magnesium supplements can increases sleep time, efficiency and natural melatonin[6] levels - a hormone critical for the regulation of normal sleep.
[6]melatonin: a hormone in the body that produces changes in skin colour and is involved in controlling biorhythms such as our sleep pattern 降黑素(體內(nèi)的一種激素次哈,能刺激膚色變化胎署,與日常睡眠等生物節(jié)律有關)
Now, new research has found magnesium applied directly to the skin can deliver the mineral to the body quicker and more efficiently than ingested supplements - and help improve sleep quality in 92 per cent of deficient people.
What is insomnia??
Insomnia is a huge global problem, affecting around a third of men and women in their 30s and 40s and nearly half of women over 65.
There are two types, Type 1 insomnia where you can't get to sleep and Type 2, where you can get to sleep okay, but tend to wake at least once during the night.
And if you have either type, the chances are you have heard a million and one[7] remedies: get black out blinds[遮光簾], eat some peanut butter[花生醬] before bed, get a sleep mantra[8], take a Valium[鎮(zhèn)定劑;安定]. Actually don't. The latter is addictive and the formers, well, they're hit and miss[9] at best.
[7]a hundred/thousand/million and one: very many 非常多的霉咨,許許多多的辐马,極多的
I can't talk right now - I have a hundred and one things to do this morning.
[8]mantra: a word or phrase that is often repeated and expresses a particular strong belief 口號蔫仙,還有另一個意思“(尤指印度教和佛教中的)曼特羅,咒語”巨坊。
[9]hit and miss: If something is hit-and-miss, you cannot depend on it to be of good quality, on time, accurate, etc. 沒準的撬槽,碰運氣的
Magnesium: The facts
Indeed, waking in the small hours is often associated with stress, anxiety or depression and these are conditions that can be exacerbated by magnesium deficiency, said nutrition expert Greg Weatherhead. But there are many more.
'Magnesium is one of the most abundant minerals in the body and all our cells rely on adequate levels being maintained,' said Mr Weatherhead.?
Magnesium is predominantly found in nuts, wholegrain seeds and green leafy vegetables such as spinach and kale
'It's responsible for over 300 biochemical functions in the body and sufficient amounts allow us to be more flexible, develop stronger bones, produce energy more efficiently and be better able to resist disease.'
While magnesium is predominantly found in nuts, wholegrain seeds and green leafy vegetables such as spinach[菠菜] and kale[羽衣甘藍], decreasing levels in our Western diets have long been reported and amounts in our most common foods have declined by about 20 per cent since the 1950s, Mr Weatherhead added.
In fact, the most recent government funded UK Diet and Nutrition Report updated in March this year, showed more and more of us have below optimal intakes of magnesium, with teenage girls and the over 60's being at particular risk of deficiency.
Moreover, diets that include an excess of processed foods and bad fats such as those found in takeaways, donuts and commercial vegetable oils as well as refined sugars can all decrease our magnesium levels.