7 deadly sins of social network analysis
Social network analysis (SNA) is a method of analyzing and visualizing social structures, represented in a form of graphs. Although the method itself isn’t new, it has recently become popular,as new software is developed which makes SNA easy and cheap to carry out.However this method has some pitfalls, which may be problematic for analysts who aren’t familiar with it. Here I present a list of 7 mistakes, which keep reoccurring in the field of organizational psychology.
1.Building a network using a single question
If you ask your participants to name key sources of useful information, you might end up with everyone pointing immediately to the internal trainer. In order to grasp a complex psychological phenomenon like social relations or informal communication paths, you need to use more sophisticated tools.
I’ve already talked about this issue in one of my previous posts. If you want to measure psychological phenomena accurately, you need to get familiar with the field of psychometrics and learn methods used to test the accuracy and reliability of your measurement.
2.Asking the wrong question
A couple of years ago I was asked to conduct an SNA analysis in order to identify informal paths of knowledge transfer in a large organization. The client wanted to map the entire organization by asking employees about people, to which they turn for advice. This idea had one major flaw. You can of course ask this question in your sales team and see who is the source of useful knowledge concerning sales. You can also ask the same question in your marketing department and conduct a similar analysis there. However people working in these two departments will answer your question thinking about two different areas of knowledge. If you use this question to collect your data, the moment you draw a connection going outside the department, you can no longer make sense of your results. You can’t conclude that there is an informal path going from Mark from the sales department, through Susan in marketing, and ending on Laura in the accounting department. Based on such results, you can’t assume, that by supporting Mark you will help Laura in any way. As it often turns out in organizational research, the trick is to ask the right question, everything else are just technicalities.
3.Ignoring missing nodes
When you want to conduct a survey to collect opinions, having a response rate of 80%-90% is a very good result, which allows you to draw accurate conclusions. However, if you use a survey to collect data for SNA, losing a single person may severely lower the accuracy of your research, if this person happens to be a hub (a strongly connected node). Losing hubs is a big problem in SNA, so if you can’t map the entire network you should at least make sure that no key actor has been left out of the analysis.
4.Showing social maps to everyone
The market offers a number of online tools that make it possible for employees to construct and see the entire social net work of their organization. As an organizational standalone specialist whois an extreme introvert, with few social connections (or none) inside the company. Does it sound like a good idea to shine a spotlight at this guy in front of 500 other employees? On the other hand, making an SNA map publicly available is also dangerous for well-connected participants. Knowledge on who communicates with whom, where are the key paths of knowledge transfer, and where are the key players can easily be used to hurt your organization and your personnel.
Programming an analytical tool is onething, but knowing how to use it responsibly is something completely different,and requires a different set of skills. Results of SNA (as any other researchresults) should be treated carefully, and reported along with a clearexplanation only to people, who can understand and use them appropriately.
5.Delivering trivial conclusions
If you want to identify informal paths of knowledge transfer, and after surveying and mapping 300 people you conclude that they tend to turn to their managers for advice, you should probably rethink the way you use your R&D budget. As silly as it may sound,“discovering”obvious facts with SNA happens quite often both in organizational and scientific research. For instance, you can find research that concludes, that people tend to group around charismatic individuals. SNA is a powerful tool, however it’s easy to focus too much on unusual measures and pretty graphics, and forget about the main goal, which is delivering useful recommendations.
如果你想要識別知識傳播的隱形路徑掉丽,并且在測量和映射300個人后,你得到結論:如果這些人傾向于向管理人員獲取建議异雁,那就需要重新考慮研發(fā)(譯者注:Research and Development)預算的分配捶障。這聽起來就很蠢,然而這樣顯而易見的“發(fā)現(xiàn)”在公司和科學研究機構對SNA的研究中經(jīng)常出現(xiàn)纲刀。例如项炼,你發(fā)現(xiàn)人們會圍繞在有魅力的個人周圍。SNA是一個很有用的工具示绊,不過會很容易讓人聚焦于不尋常的思維方式锭部、漂亮的圖形展示上,而忘了使用工具的主要目標是提供有用的建議耻台。
6.Using SNA when a simpler method is available
Asking people about their connections is quite invasive and tends to raise concerns among participants. While designing the research, it’s a good idea to consider if the same result can be achieved using different techniques. For example, you don’t need to draw a full social network to identify charismatic leaders. Similar results can be achieved using other techniques, like surveys or 360? assessments.Such techniques also tend to be more resistant to typical SNA-related problems,like the missing hub problem mentioned before.
7.Using old results to solve new problems
As I mentioned before, removing one key node may change the network structure entirely. Therefore it’s crucial to keep in mind that SNA results (like all other research results for that matter) have a certain expiration date. Although establishing it precisely for SNA may be challenging, the data will eventually“go bad”, especially in organizations with high rotation.
To summarize, social network analysis is a powerful method, capable of delivering some really valuable insights. It has however some pitfalls, which are quite dangerous and at the same time unique to this method. Bearing them in mind during the early phases of the project can save a lot of time and nerves, and help to draw insightful conclusions from this interesting yet complex method.
by Grzegorz Rajca