在各國爆炸式的全民computational literacy教育風(fēng)潮下俱萍,在一個(gè)面向高中生編程的網(wǎng)站看到這本書昼汗,blown to bits暑认,作者h(yuǎn)al abelson是mit 計(jì)算機(jī)科學(xué)1922屆的教授找岖,美國ieee院士顶滩,看了一段叶洞,不由自主的往下看鲫凶。最近查了無數(shù)的資料看了無數(shù)的paper看得頭暈眼花加例行焦慮,看到這本書就好像服用了鎮(zhèn)定劑衩辟,能以很冷靜的心態(tài)去看一個(gè)很瘋狂的事實(shí)
美國已經(jīng)有無數(shù)面向少數(shù)族裔螟炫、女孩子、資源稀缺和各種under-represented group的編程教學(xué)資源和活動(dòng)艺晴,雖然我們國家也有昼钻,但豐富性和普及度還差好多。真心的希望封寞,我們的高中生然评,尤其女孩子,能早點(diǎn)接觸真正的computational literacy education狈究,不一定為了成為扎克伯格或者馬斯克這種少年時(shí)期就寫出商業(yè)軟件的人沾瓦,不一定為了考apcs a或者apcs p,甚至不一定為了升學(xué)就業(yè)多一個(gè)籌碼谦炒,只為了能在我們立身的這個(gè)世界贯莺,多一點(diǎn)點(diǎn)參與感。
(關(guān)于2017年college board設(shè)立的apcs p科目還有好多話要說宁改,改日單寫一篇)
This book is about how the digital explosion is changing everything. It
explains the technology itself—why it creates so many surprises and why
things often don’t work the way we expect them to. It is also about things the
information explosion is destroying: old assumptions about our privacy,
about our identity, and about who is in control of our lives. It’s about how
we got this way, what we are losing, and what remains that society still has
a chance to put right. The digital explosion is creating both opportunities and
risks. Many of both will be gone in a decade, settled one way or another.
Governments, corporations, and other authorities are taking advantage of the
chaos, and most of us don’t even see it happening. Yet we all have a stake in
the outcome. Beyond the science, the history, the law, and the politics, this
book is a wake-up call. The forces shaping your future are digital, and you
need to understand them.
We offer seven truths about bits. We call them “koans” because they are
paradoxes, like the Zen verbal puzzles that provoke meditation and enlight-
enment. These koans are oversimplifications and over-generalizations. They
describe a world that is developing but hasn’t yet fully emerged. But even
today they are truer than we often realize. These themes will echo through
our tales of the digital explosion.
很想呼吁programmer們利用一點(diǎn)業(yè)余時(shí)間江解,給學(xué)生們講講課设预,就當(dāng)是有償志愿,薪水雖然比不了你們在ibm,amazon, microsoft, bat的正職犁河,但這是一件很有意義的事鳖枕。我也想講,可惜我不是職業(yè)programmer桨螺, 你們的身上有光宾符,學(xué)生會(huì)被你們照亮