當然泰鸡,如果你會英語债蓝,你能夠觸碰的學(xué)習資料就會更多,你的成功幾率就會更大盛龄。所以饰迹,現(xiàn)在你才知道學(xué)習英語的重要性了?以下是我選擇的部分建議余舶,想閱讀更多的建議你應(yīng)該知道去哪里找資源吧啊鸭?什么?你說過情人節(jié)是先要需要一個情人欧芽?沒問題莉掂,Wikihow還可以教你How to get a?valentine.
1.Spending Quality Time Together
Arrange for dinner.
You can book a reservation at your favorite restaurant or you can cook. It doesn’t even have to be fine dining. Often just putting something together in advance is a good way to?show?your Valentine that you care and that you’re thinking of them.Add some candles, turn down the lights, and it's a perfect romantic evening.這條建議給的很棒吧?要么去餐廳吃千扔,要么自己做憎妙。自己做也不一定要做的多好吃库正,最重要的是讓另外一半感到你的關(guān)心和愛護。吃飯的時候厘唾,關(guān)掉燈褥符,點上蠟燭,完美浪漫的一晚抚垃!
Plan a day out.
Spend an entire day exploring with your significant other. Go to anew museum, go?paintballing?together, or hike a long trail that you’ve both been interested in, but never had the time for.與Ta去周圍游玩一天喷楣,可以去博物館、公園鹤树、玩游戲铣焊、逛街等等。外出也是一個放松身心的好辦法罕伯,但是外出一定要注意曲伊,選不對地方你就屎定了。
Go for a long walk?together.
If you go to a nature preserve or big park, bring a field guide to birds or wild flowers and have fun working together to identify what you see.去附近的自然環(huán)境中走走追他,如果能夠在途中有觀鳥或者花的環(huán)節(jié)也是非常棒的坟募。和Ta一起去探索自然,享受自然吧邑狸。
Surprise your significant?other with a weekend away.
Book a few nights at a cozy bed and breakfast, or visit a nearby city for a few days. You might have to tell them to set aside the weekend for something special, but they don't have to know where you're going.與Ta一起外出旅行懈糯,享受旅行的樂趣。
2.Affirming Your Loved One
Write your Valentine a?note.
Tell them how much you love them, and include specific things that you love about them, whether it’s how passionate they are about the things they love or their strong sense of justice or just the way they smile when they’re a little embarrassed.學(xué)會表達你的愛单雾,可以寫下一些具體的細節(jié)赚哗。
Volunteer with your?partner for a cause they care about.
If they love dogs, offer to spend a day cleaning kennels and walking dogs at the local SPCA. By investing time in something near to their heart, you are affirming that what matters to them matters to you.如果Ta有養(yǎng)寵物,那么你可以照顧Ta的寵物铁坎,表達你對寵物的愛也是表達你對Ta的愛蜂奸。當然也可以是其他的事情犁苏,但是最重要的是你愿意在Ta身上花時間硬萍,表達Ta對你的重要性。
Tell them how grateful you?are.
For a day or a week, take a?moment every time they do something you appreciate to tell them that you’re?grateful for them and what they do.Especially try to note things you might normally take for granted.可以用一段時間想想Ta為你做過的事情围详,嘗試寫下一些需要表達感謝的細節(jié)和表達感激河感謝的話語朴乖。
Sit down together and tell?your partner face-to-face what you love about them.
Notes are nice and can be?saved for another day, but few things are as thoughtful and affirming as having someone look directly into your eyes to tell ?you how much they love you and?why.這一條太深情了,自己看吧助赞。
3. Giving Special Gifts
Order their favorite takeout just the way they ?like it.
When you know someone well, you learn their quirks: how well they like their burgers cooked, what they’re allergic to, that they can’t stand the texture of artichokes or hearts of palm.?如果你了解一個人买羞,那么你也知道他們的一些“怪癖”。他們對于一切事物的感受和要求雹食,包括非常重要的吃著一部分畜普。所以,可以嘗試點一次Ta喜歡的外賣群叶。
Make them a music mix.
Maybe it’s old school to give CDs or mix-tapes in the age of internet streaming services, but that just makes it more fun. Make a list of songs that are special to the two of you or that make you think of them.選擇Ta或者你們都喜歡的歌曲吃挑,把歌曲進行組合放在CD上當做禮物钝荡。
Pamper them.
Schedule a couples’ massage. Relax in a sauna. Spend a day at the spa with your Valentine, and they're sure to come away feeling seriously loved.可以與Ta去享受按摩、桑拿舶衬、Spa等等埠通,放松身心好方式。如果你愿意親身按摩更好逛犹,如果你的按摩技術(shù)跟老友記中的Monica一樣就不要嘗試了端辱。
Send your partner flowers.
This gesture is classic, but that just makes it a clearer statement. If you know what their favorite flowers are, that’s great, but for many people, the gesture alone says it all.常見的送花方式,雖然這種方式非常常見虽画,但是收到花的人還是非常開心和滿意舞蔽,尤其你能夠選擇Ta喜歡的花。