Evan Y
In order to come up with a concrete plan about your application strategy, the most useful tool is the “Safety/Match/Reach” list. You may come across these general terms but I’m going to explain how to use them to your benefit.?
The point of an SMR list is to get you to think strategically about where you’re applying. You should apply broadly and to as many schools as possible—somewhere between 5 and 20 is probably the right number. If you’re applying to more than 20 you may be spreading yourself too thin, and less than 5 might leave you without any acceptances. To avoid this problem, think about things this way:
The Safeties:?
They’re called “safeties” because they’re safe. Pick 3 schools that you are certain you should get in. How do you figure that out? The easiest way is by looking at numbers. If you are above average for the school’s admitted SAT/ACT and GPA (grade point average), you have a strong chance. If you are in the upper quartile, it’s a safety. So let’s say you have a 2200 SAT and a 3.5, and College X’s average is 2100 and 3.4. That’s not quite a safety—you can’t guarantee you’ll be accepted. But if the average is closer to 2000 and a 3.3, then it would likely be a safety. The general rule for safeties is: ‘if I didn’t get into this school, I would be surprised’.
The Match:?
These are schools whose average is right around your numbers. If you think you are a qualified candidate and your numbers match up closely with their numbers, ?it’s a match. The general rule would be ‘I’d be unlucky not to get in’.
The Reach:?
A college is a reach if your numbers are less than their average. Some schools are a reach for everyone—the top 10 hardest schools to get into. The rule here is, ‘I hope to get in here but I’m not going to bet on it’.
So What do I do now?
Do your research and come up with three schools that fit each column based on your numbers and credentials: 3 safeties, 3 matches, and 3 reaches. The point of this system is that you don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Applying to only safeties or only reaches is a bad idea. A good applicant diversifies their chances, while not going overboard and applying to too many schools. This list doesn’t need to be final but it is the first step in a successful admissions cycle.?