場景:化肥于民于地有害無益 例句: Chemical Fertiliser using may boost yields at present ...
場景:太可怕 摔了腿會壞腦子 例句: After the leg-broken medical treatment the old smart ...
場景:我稀罕的安慰 意外而至 例句: The PT paid me an occassional compliment and a rare c...
場景:季節(jié)顛倒的食物失去了食物的本真 例句:Food choices are more wider due to frozen or canni...
場景:太可怕 摔了腿會壞腦子 例句: After the leg-broken medical treatment the old smart ...
場景:堅持不易 例句:A long uphill journey would it be to persevere during the tim...
場景:淡定前行 例句:Being calm and collected is an apt state for over-thirties. D...
場景:增加運動強度 例句:Considering I am inhumanly endurable a person and finding t...
場景:老生常談 邁開腿管住嘴吖 例句:What we fail to accept is the fact that appropriate w...