見 三十歲前認(rèn)識世界蝶押,三十歲后開始認(rèn)識自己吵冒。 感 三十歲前要遵循社會的法則去認(rèn)識它,了解它,那些所謂的興趣我們可以去做刹孔,前提是這個年紀(jì)有什么可以...
見 人的情感面就像一頭大象泳秀,而理智面就像一個騎象人。騎象人騎在大象背上朱沃,手里握著韁繩苞轿,好像是他在指揮大象茅诱,但事實上,他的力量微不足道搬卒。一旦和...
①I learned a great fear of being wrong that shifted my mind-set from thi...
We ran the business in a scrappy, seat-of-the-pants way. 我們共同奮斗著一個事業(yè)瑟俭,就像同...
If I make any money from those trips, that’s just icing on the cake. 如果我...
The U.S. economy slowed, commodity prices soared,and in 1973 the stock m...
Then, on Sunday, August 15, 1971, President Nixon went on television to ...
01 時鐘調(diào)回2018年那個暑假,天氣很熱秀睛,自習(xí)室的冷風(fēng)尔当。有幸遇到一群志同道合的研友,于是就開啟了我們道阻且短的英雄之旅蹂安。 未來會是什么樣子椭迎?我...
When I look back on that, I see that I got out of serving on a technical...