1. 這是個什么詞? 詞:antidote 英英釋義:something that helps to improve the effects o...
1. 這是個什么詞润文? 詞:hitch 英英釋義:an unexpected difficulty, obstacle, delay, etc. ...
1. 這是什么詞撩幽? 詞:alternative 英英釋義:something that you can choose instead o...
1. 認識這個詞(基礎篇) 詞:source 英英釋義:a place, person, or thing from which somethi...
1. 認識這個詞(基礎篇) 詞:stepping stone 英英釋義:something that helps you to progress...
1. 認識這個詞(基礎篇) 詞:hurdle 英英釋義:a problem or difficulty that you must deal w...
1. 這是什么詞? 詞:access 英英釋義:the right or opportunity to use or benefit from ...
1. 這是什么詞锈遥? 詞:engine 英英釋義:something powerful that causes great changes in ...
1. 這是什么詞屈尼? 詞:soft spot 英英釋義:to feel that you like someone very much, ofte...