時間的確是可怕甫窟,幾個字符即可變滄海為桑田由桌。時間正如那頭惡魔一般沐旨,無情碾壓累累白骨。 釋迦摩尼清楚知道它的恐怖历涝,他有方法可以逃脫出去。 我看著秒針...
If there is greed in how you are observing,theninsight cannot arise. Whe...
The nature of the mind is it doesn't go anywhere,it doesn't move. The mi...
We might say that we know something that's happened "outside of ourselve...
When we see that causes and conditions giveriseto aneffect, and how that...
We are studying the nature of craving,aversionand delusion—their functio...
How much you do, how skillful you are, howmuch you are able to do, the b...
There is no way you can rush progress inmeditation. We can only proceed ...
In meditation we are not trying to seethe objects,or to see the experien...