1. Raft算法 Raft保證了在任何時候以下屬性都成立: Election Safety:在一個給定的term,至多只有一個leader被選...
使用命令 在Docker上啟動MYSQL容器失敗慌洪,查看容器的log: 可以看出缕陕,mysqld無法識別-p參數(shù)瀑梗,這是由于Docker是對參數(shù)順序敏...
Paging: Introduction Crux: How to virtualize memory without segments?Her...
Free-Space Management When the space that is managing consists of variab...
Segmentation Crux: How to support a large address space? Segmentation: G...
Mechanism: Address Translation Crux: How to efficiently and flexibly vir...
The Abstraction: Address Spaces Early Systems The OS was a set of routin...
Scheduling: Proportional Share Also known as a fair-share scheduler.Inst...
Scheduling: The Multi-Level Feedback Queue (MLFQ) Crux: design a schedul...