1.原材料引用(Materials) Twentytwo percent survived with good brain ability. O...
1.原材料引用(Materials) The researchers say any kind of CPR improved chances ...
1.原材料引用(Materials) Seven hundred and twelve received CPR.Four hundred an...
1.原材料引用(Materials) In all the cases, witnesses saw the event happen. ?n?...
1. 原材料引用(Materials) Doctors in Tokyo led the research.It examined more t...
1.原材料引用(Materials) The study was published in the British Medical Magazi...
1.原材料引用(Materials) The study was published in the British Medical magazi...
1.原材料引用(Materials) However, a new Japanese study questions the usefulnes...
1.原材料引用(Materials) CPR keeps blood and oxygen flowing to the heart and b...