After analysing the mindmap sample, I found that the mindmaps are formed...
Day4 Day5 Day6 In the recording综慎, June emphasizes again the importance of...
Day1: 1. cloud computing 2. physical products 3. Voice-activated 4. on t...
1.昔日的書商占了美國在線購物每產生新的一美元的一半之多聚蝶。 2.自2015年初不翩,它的股價上漲了173%靶草,與前兩年漲速相比快了七倍多(比世界五百強...
The Amazon, an extraordinary company, takes a leading position in cloud ...
Amazon, an extraordinary company, takes a leading position in cloud comp...
Five reading myths 1.myth 2.exert effort in 3.plug the gaps 4.high degre...
Five reading myths 1.myth 2.plug the gaps 3. Main ideas of each paragrag...
1. 2.