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<br>在美國很火的一首小詩,其中有很多哲理怎囚,分享給大家共勉:<br><br>紐約時間比加州時間早三個小時卿叽, <br>New York is 3 hours ahead of California, <br><br>但加州時間并沒有變慢。 <br>but it does not make California slow. <br><br>有人22歲就畢業(yè)了恳守, <br>Someone graduated at the age of 22, <br><br>但等了五年才找到好的工作考婴!<br>but waited 5 years before securing a good job! <br><br>有人25歲就當(dāng)上CEO, <br>Someone became a CEO at 25, <br><br>卻在50歲去世催烘。 <br>and died at 50. <br><br>也有人遲到50歲才當(dāng)上CEO沥阱, <br>While another became a CEO at 50, <br><br>然后活到90歲。 <br>and lived to 90 years. <br><br>有人依然單身伊群, <br>Someone is still single, <br><br>同時也有人已婚考杉。 <br>while someone else got married. <br><br>奧巴馬55歲就退休, <br>Obama retires at 55, <br><br>川普70歲才開始當(dāng)總統(tǒng)舰始。 <br>but Trump starts at 70. <br><br>世上每個人本來就有自己的發(fā)展時區(qū)崇棠。 <br>Absolutely everyone in this world works based on their Time Zone. <br><br>身邊有些人看似走在你前面,<br>People around you might seem to go ahead of you, <br><br>也有人看似走在你后面丸卷。 <br>some might seem to be behind you. <br><br>但其實每個人在自己的時區(qū)有自己的步程枕稀。 <br>But everyone is running their own RACE, in their own TIME. <br><br>不用嫉妒或嘲笑他們。 <br>Don’t envy them or mock them. <br><br>他們都在自己的時區(qū)里谜嫉,你也是抽莱! <br>They are in their TIME ZONE, and you are in yours! <br><br>生命就是等待正確的行動時機。<br>Life is about waiting for the right moment to act. <br><br>所以骄恶,放輕松食铐。 <br>So, RELAX. <br><br>你沒有落后。 <br>You’re not LATE. <br><br>你沒有領(lǐng)先僧鲁。 <br>You’re not EARLY. <br><br>在命運為你安排的屬于自己的時區(qū)里虐呻,一切都準(zhǔn)時象泵。 <br>You are very much ON TIME, and in your TIME ZONE Destiny set up for you.<br><br>