Lesson76April FoolsDay 'To end our special news bulletin,'[?b?l?t?n]said...
Lesson75SOS When a light passenger plane flew off course some time ago, ...
Lesson74 Out of thelimelight An ancientbus stopped by a dry river bed an...
Lesson73 The record-holder Children who playtruantfrom school areunimagi...
Lesson72 Acar called Bluebird The great racingdriver, Sir Malcolm Campbe...
Lesson71 Afamous clock When you visit London,one of the first things you...
Lesson70Red for danger During a bullfight,a drunk suddenly wandered into...
Lesson69 Butnot murder! I was being testedfor a driving license for the ...
Lesson68 Persistent I crossedthe street to avoid meetinghim, but he saw ...