One month into the new company, I have found myself quite satisfied with...
Harry had been braced to hear it, but it was a blow nevertheless. Fear e...
6月20日 快中午起床,收到去年學(xué)生Q媽媽的微信,頓時(shí)渾身感覺麻煩事就要來(lái)了。Q看起來(lái)是個(gè)乖孩子,但其實(shí)不然槽卫,賴床、遲到曠課就以各種借口,...
6月8日 以前每天早上起床呛凶,口干得很,想喝點(diǎn)熱水滋潤(rùn)一下喉嚨行贪,但急著上班漾稀,燒水來(lái)不及。現(xiàn)在好了建瘫,我給自己買了個(gè)保溫壺崭捍,自己在家想喝熱水時(shí),無(wú)需...
I was a struggling sleeper in the past few months. Though exhausted ...
It hit me that my airpod was still in the pocket of my favorite denim ...
你好~溫溫 你寄來(lái)的包裹啰脚,我昨天晚上收到了殷蛇,甚感驚喜。往回走時(shí)橄浓,我感受到了它的重量粒梦,雙臂微感酸意≥┦担回到家匀们,看了夾在書中的紙條,心中溫暖的像坐在...
在去年的大約這個(gè)時(shí)候准给,金庸大俠走了泄朴。那時(shí)重抖,我還從未讀過他的一本小說,只零星地看過由小說改編的影視作品祖灰,但對(duì)他已敬意有加了钟沛。 就在第一份工作離職后...
It is a great pity that I have never had a pet along my growth, partly b...