1. Palestine n.巴勒斯坦(亞洲西部一地區(qū)); 2. rocky mountains 嶙峋的山脈 barren defiles 貧瘠...
1. hoary adj.灰白; (尤指毛發(fā)) 因年老而變灰或變白的; 古老的专筷,陳舊的; cliche 陳詞濫調 hoary cliche 2....
1. be stripped of 被剝奪 2. delusion n.妄想; 錯覺; 欺騙; 謬見; 3. marvel n.奇跡; 令人驚奇...
1. cardiac adj.心臟(泊冈辍)的; (胃的) 賁門的; n.心臟病患者; 強心劑; cardiopulmonary resuscita...
發(fā)揮區(qū)域或全國互聯(lián)電網(wǎng)在接納不同電源上的杠桿作用榨咐; 提高可再生能源發(fā)電預測預報技術搬味; 整合可調度的可再生能源棍厂; 增加分布式儲能設施聘惦; 利用電力需...
1. issue a Bond villain's laugh 發(fā)出一個什么樣的笑聲遮婶? 2. barn n.牲口棚; 谷倉锦援,糧倉; (公共汽車猛蔽、...
1. be proportional to 與。。曼库。成比例 eg. The force is proportional to the mass ...
Science is an ongoing search for truth-- a perpetucal struggle to discov...
As we said at the beginning, we will be principally concerned in these p...