I don't want to write something this week ,but I overcome myself finally...
一涵亏、單詞造句: 二镜硕、扇貝每日一句一周匯總:(2020.4.5-2020.4.14) 2020年4月5日扇貝每日一句:第149天打卡 To liv...
一、單詞造句:natural siren sorrow It is natural for us to protect our Ear...
一、扇貝每日一句總結(jié): 2020年2月24日扇貝每日一句 叔磷,第107天打卡 The greatest pleasure I know is to...
一、words and sentence Possess Virus Overcome:I believe we can possess the...
Faith is the belief in something for which we have no evidence.信仰就是在沒有明確...
Hardest Choice Require ...
Hardest Choice Require ...