1. map 和 reduce MapReduce 任務(wù)過程分為兩個(gè)處理階段:map階段和reduce階段鞍泉。每階段都以鍵-值對(duì)座位輸入和輸出,其...
Reusable apps First, create a parent directory for polls, outside of you...
Customing the admin site Customize the admin form# polls/admin.pyfrom dj...
Static files Customize your app’s look and feel/* polls/static/polls/sty...
Testing Create a test to expose the bug$ python manage.py shell# identif...
Forms and generic views Write a simple form<!-- polls/templates/polls/de...
Views and templates Writing more views# polls/views.py # views responsed...
Models and the admin site Database setup$ pip install mysqlclient Creati...
Requests and responses Create project and app# Creating a project$ djang...