tricky 1.形容詞 If youdescribeataskorproblemas tricky, you mean that it isd...
1.stampede 1. countable noun [usually singular] If there is a stampede, ...
Wesrworld's Strength is Its Inhumanity Day 1 1.programmatic(編程的) adjecti...
NASA’s ambitious plan to save Earth from a supervolcano Day1 One of the ...
The First Wave of Corporate AI Is Doomed to Fail VOCABULARY 1.initiative...
When It Comes To Romantic Attraction, Real Life Beats Questionnaires Day...
Britain cannot escape the long arm of European law Day 1 (必備單詞) 1.thorni...
1.overriding adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun] In a particular situatio...
清曉的江頭,白霧茫茫;是江南天氣,雨兒來了——我只知道有蔚藍的海,卻原來還有碧綠的江瓮增,這是我父母之鄉(xiāng)!《繁星156》 The River mou...