240 發(fā)簡信
  • 您好,請問這個問題怎么解決光涂,我也遇到一樣的問題了


    問題 打包時庞萍,run debug沒有問題,但是archive后export會發(fā)生錯誤忘闻,無法進入到選擇證書的環(huán)節(jié)钝计。 log如下: 原因 可以看到,大體意思是說齐佳,打包時引用的一個...

  • iOS 修改默認 UserAgent

    前言: 有個項目需求,要區(qū)分打開H5是在本地APP還是在手機瀏覽器硅蹦,前端伙伴說需要配合修改默認的 UserAgent,以便區(qū)分荣德。 一闷煤、如何獲取UserAgent UIWebV...

  • 120

    App遷移(App transfer):將App從一個開發(fā)者賬號遷移至另一個開發(fā)者賬號绑咱。此文演示了整個遷移過程,為了方便解釋枢泰,在此過程中描融,將App轉(zhuǎn)出的開發(fā)者賬號我們下文將會...

  • 大神你好,我們公司也是PLA1.2被拒让歼,我們也是貸款類APP敞恋,請問現(xiàn)在貸款類APP一定要用金融公司發(fā)布是不呢?被拒3次了:(
    PLA 1.2

    The seller and company names associated with your app do not reflect the name “financial institution” in the app or its metadata, as required by section 1.2 of the Apple Developer Program License Agreement.

    Next Steps

    Your app must be published under a seller name and company name that reflects the financial institution name. If you have developed this app on behalf of a client, please advise your client to add you to the development team of their Apple Developer account.

    Once created, you cannot change your seller name or company name in iTunes Connect. For assistance with changing your company name or seller name, you will need to contact iTunes Connect through the Contact Us page. Select Getting Started from the first dropdown menu, then select General iTunes Connect Inquiry to contact the appropriate iTunes Connect team.

    ios審核被拒3.2.1 (原5.2.1硬猫,PLA1.2)

    這個問題在19大之前是PLA1.2, 19大之后變成了5.2.1,最近變成了3.2.1 (2018-1-3) 無數(shù)個被拒的夜晚下總結(jié)出來的經(jīng)驗, 一個人跟蘋果審核團隊斗智斗勇...
