①rust[r?st] v. 生銹 The old car has already been rusted. ②groan[ɡro?n] v. ...
一窜护。①porter[?p??rt?r] n. 門房 The porter carries customers' suitcases. 門房搬著客...
一烙心、聽力 ㈠單詞 ①consider [k?n?s?d?r] v. 認為 The little boy considers it as a gr...
①validate批準 The boss agrees with this document,so he validates it. ②bake...
①intriguing[?n?tri?ɡ??] adj. 有趣的恶迈,迷人的 This intriguing TV show makes the b...
①flock[flɑ?k] v. 聚集狡逢,成群而行 The birds flock together to the south. ②scarecr...
①validate批準 The boss agrees with this document,so he validates it. ②bake...
①must-see n.必看景點 must-sees in Los angeles洛杉磯必看景點 ②must-do n.必做之事must-dos...
①spin [sp?n] v. 使旋轉 "Look, I can spin the basketball on my finger!" said...