240 發(fā)簡(jiǎn)信
  • 導(dǎo)航欄遮住View

    - edgesForExtendedLayout 用法:self.edgesForExtendedLayout = UIRectEdgeNone...

  • Swift+使用OC

    1.添加Objective-C File,(提示添加MySwift-Bridging-Header.h) @interface CouponVi...

  • Swift+Masonry

    3.可用SnapKit代替Masonry pod 'SnapKit', '~> 0.19.1' 0.20.0以后的會(huì)報(bào)錯(cuò),沒(méi)找到解決方法 imp...

  • Swift中使用pods

    1.同oc一樣先有CocoaPods 2.關(guān)鍵在podfile中的寫(xiě)法 platform :ios, ‘8.0’ use_frameworks!...

  • 11.方法

    實(shí)例方法 class A { var a = 0 func a_f() { a = 9 } } 方法的局部參數(shù)名稱(chēng)和外部參數(shù)名稱(chēng) 修改方法的外部...

  • 8.枚舉

    enum Point { case North case South } var d = Point.North d = .South swit...

  • 7.閉包

    sort 函數(shù) func backward(a:Int, b:Int) -> Bool { return a > b } let arr = [...

  • 6.函數(shù)

    funcf_name(v_name:v_Class, ...) -> return_Class { //fun_content } var a ...

  • 4.集合

    Array var someInts = [Int]() print("someInts is of type [Int] with \(som...

Colorful world, I wanna be the grey man.