I am reading the book "Creative Confidence" recently. It mentions everyo...
通過浸和潤的字面意思我們能想到浸潤式學習是要浸泡在這個環(huán)境中去慢慢吸收禾乘。 可是現在有一些組織或機構為了掙錢,把浸潤式英語學習的概念給混淆了虽缕。你是...
First day Adina sent us the cover of this book and let us guess what is ...
There are some foreign friends can speak chinese very well and they are ...
In July 2017, I had twice business trips in Vietnam. I missed our HCMC O...
My friend live in a China high-end international apartment. She always f...
One day my friend was kidding me, I replied him "He is naughty." In Chin...
茶歇時間關于鮮花的討論: 女人好像都愛花氮趋,喜愛美好又漂亮的東西伍派。但是男人們貌似都是實用主義者,只會把時間和金錢“浪費”在他們覺得值得投資的地方剩胁。...
I discussed news information and advertising service information with a ...