#字詞 1. He doesn't get beat up at school for this. adj. 年久失修的担钮;殘破的 v. 暴打暇榴,痛...
#字 1. They're dropping me and Rodrick off at Grandpa's. 睡著 落下厚棵,掉下,脫落跺撼; 把…從...
#字 1. I am sure Mom knew something was fishy. 可疑的窟感,靠不住的;魚的歉井,魚腥味的 There’s s...
#字 1. But I just decided to wing it. n. 翅膀柿祈,飛機的機翼 v. 飛行 wing it即興表演,不按劇本表...
#字 1. Mom asks me why I flunked my pop quiz in pre-algrbra today. (考試)不及...
#字 1. I can figure out a way to spill the beans without Rodrick finding ...
1. Rodrick might have lucked out this time. 走好運哩至;逢兇化吉躏嚎;僥幸成功 I just lucked ...
字 1. I'll bet he's writing down all sort of juicy gossip in that thing. ...