矩陣乘法 1. matmul product(一般矩陣乘積) m x p矩陣A與p x n矩陣B拂募,那么稱 m x n 矩陣C為矩陣A與矩陣B的一...
論文地址:Conditional Generative Adversarial Nets 2014年,Goodfellow提出了Generati...
Boosting is the idea of training iteratively the same “weak” classifier,...
先驗概率,后驗概率赖瞒,likelihood 的中文觀點解說 原因:之前學概論的時候有點沒搞明白為什么要這樣命名這些概率項弟灼, 動機: 現(xiàn)在有很多,m...
here's some video resource from outside, which you cannot get by googlin...
An Evaluation of Transformation Robustness for Spatial Data Representati...
Reason for the series OK this article only serve as my study notes for r...
感知機 概述 感知機是二類分類的線性分類模型冒黑,其輸入為實例的特征向量田绑,輸出為實例的類別,取+1和-1二值抡爹。感知機學習旨在求出將訓練數(shù)據(jù)進行線性劃...