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  • exercise 0~exercise 5

    exercise 0 這一節(jié)練習(xí)主要講了怎么安裝python3和選擇文件編輯器 exercise 1 這一節(jié)主要是體驗(yàn)一下python,教你怎么在命令行使用python ex...

  • exercise 21

    練習(xí) 如果你不是很確定return的功能,嘗試自己寫幾個(gè)函數(shù)出來(lái)撩荣,讓它們返回一些值。你可以將任何可以放在=右邊的東西作為一個(gè)函數(shù)的返回值。 這個(gè)腳本的結(jié)尾是一個(gè)迷題们陆。我將一個(gè)...

  • exercise 20

    第一次print_a_line被調(diào)用, current_line被賦值1第二次print_a_line被調(diào)用, current_line被賦值2第三次print_a_line...

  • exercise 19

    練習(xí) 倒著將腳本讀完,在每一行上面添加一行注解情屹,說(shuō)明這行的作用坪仇。 從最后一行開始,倒著閱讀每一行垃你,讀出所有的重要字符來(lái)椅文。 自己編至少一個(gè)函數(shù)出來(lái),然后用10種方法運(yùn)行這個(gè)函數(shù)...

  • exercise 18

    練習(xí)為自己寫一個(gè)函數(shù)注意事項(xiàng)以供后續(xù)參考惜颇。你可以寫在一個(gè)索引卡片上隨時(shí)閱讀皆刺,直到你記住所有的要點(diǎn)為止。注意事項(xiàng)如下: 函數(shù)定義是以 def 開始的嗎凌摄? 函數(shù)名稱是以字符和下劃...

  • exercise 17

    練習(xí) 4.不關(guān)閉文件羡蛾,它會(huì)直到程序結(jié)束為止一直占用系統(tǒng)資源點(diǎn)我有驚喜 資料1資料2 exercise15~17小結(jié):建立文件打開文件讀取文件寫入文件關(guān)閉文件點(diǎn)擊

  • exercise 16

    練習(xí) If you do not understand this, go back through and use the comment trick to get it s...

  • exercise 15

    練習(xí) Above each line, write out in English what that line does. If you are not sure, ask ...

  • exercise 14

    練習(xí) Find out what the games Zork and Adventure were. Try to find a copy and play it. Cha...

  • exercise 13

    注意: 一定要用命令行,通過(guò)$ python ex13.py first 2nd 3rd命令運(yùn)行程序 練習(xí) Try giving fewer than three argum...

  • exercise 12

    練習(xí) In Terminal, where you normally run python3.6 to run your scripts, type pydoc input ...

  • exercise 11

    練習(xí) Go online and find out what Python’s input does. Can you find other ways to use it? ...

  • exercise 10

    練習(xí) Memorize all the escape sequences by putting them on flash cards. Use ''' (triple-si...

  • exercise 9

    練習(xí) Check your work, write down your mistakes, try not to make them on the next exercise...

  • exercise 8

    練習(xí) Do your checks, write down your mistakes, and try not to make the same mistakes on t...

  • exercise 7

    Go back through and write a comment on what each line does. Read each one backward or o...

  • exercise 6

    練習(xí) 完成這個(gè)程序并在每一行寫上注釋锨亏。 找出字符串鑲嵌在另一個(gè)字符串的所有地方林说。這里有四個(gè)地方。 你確定這只有四個(gè)地方屯伞?你怎么知道的腿箩?或許我在撒謊呢? 解釋為什么通過(guò)”+“可...
