1.contestable=A contestablestatement,claim,legaldecision, etc. is one that is possiblet...
1.contestable=A contestablestatement,claim,legaldecision, etc. is one that is possiblet...
1.Patronising (patronizing)=to speak to or behave towards someone as if they are stupid...
1. reciprocate=tosharethe samefeelingsas someoneelse, or tobehavein the same way as som...
1.emptiness= emptyspace e.g. Hegazedout over the emptiness of thedesert. 2.whether to o...
7.Therefore, I can be ableto prepare and manage things better mentally. to do sth., to后...
= 1.immensely=extremely 2.scarcity=asituationin which something is noteasytofindor get ...
1.discourse=communicationinspeechor writing =aspeechorpieceof writing about aparticular...
1. succinct=said in aclearandshortway;expressingwhatneedsto be said withoutunnecessaryw...
*resurface=to put a newsurfaceon aroad e.g.The real him is the guy who will always resu...
13.audacious=showingawillingnesstotakerisksoroffendpeople ruse=atrickintendedtodeceives...
10.Narcissists=someone who has too muchadmirationfor himself or herself 11.suffocated=t...
7.sassy=rudeandshowingnorespect: a sassyyounggirl 8.nagging=complainingorcriticizing: a...
1. intuitive= based onfeelingsratherthanfactsorproof: an intuitiveapproach/judgment 2. ...
昨天跟他說了跟你聊天的內容许蓖。特別是我為了他吃了那么久速食面!冷凍食品膊爪!麥當勞自阱!我平時當自己是公主的啊米酬!問了他除了錢沛豌,還付出了什么。他也問我赃额。我想我們都被彼此打動了。 然后跳芳。芍锦。...
1.brink=thepointwhere a new or differentsituationis about tobegin e.g.Extremestresshadd...
13. Fortified=to make something stronger, especially in order to protect it / scatterin...
10. Instruct =to teach someone how to do something =to order or tell someone to do som...
7. Endowed=to give a large amount of money to pay for creating a college, hospital, etc...
4. Glowed=toproduceacontinuouslightand sometimesheat =tolookattractivebecause yo...
1. agitated=to make someonefeelworriedorangry e.g. I spent most of the night in restles...