240 發(fā)簡信
  • 有句話怎么說來著,因為陌生人對我們沒有預設携兵,所以也就沒有了暢所欲言的瞻前顧后。


    一個與香港有關的故事 淑貞和我坐在臨江的長椅上。夜已經密密層層地展開徊都,兩岸的燈火在江水里輕輕地蕩漾,宛若星光广辰,簇擁著江心搖曳的明月暇矫,像極了梵高的《星空》。一條披紅掛彩的游船溯...

  • @伊卷舒 @伊卷舒 yep, gust of, very well, I love this phrase too much so I can get it very soon even only just a skimming. Story is good but maybe I hope much more than that so I feel it's not completed in my heart, this is why I said I am waiting for the continued. Otherwise, from my opinion puppet on a string means a lot to me, the nature of the world, even the rule of an universe, you know, a lot, so I've already made a huge picture from bottom of heart for so long. Guess what, your story was kind of out of my mind, so I feel, truth is I don't know how to say, it was a small sweet, lovely story but still different. So I am very sorry it's my fault.
    As for any suggestions for revision. I don't think I am capable for this. Sorry again. But I have to try for your sake(haha), And I gotta get around on this maybe later, more carefully. Before that, I am sincerely telling you that I got the feeling of your thought or your mind flowing in your story even if it was my first sight, it's very nice and beautiful.
    Talk to you then.

    Puppet on a String

    文/伊卷舒 “Do you think, at my age, people can still fall in love?” Pamela asked in Chinese...

  • Sounds you like “gust of” so much huh择吊? Well, it's beautiful like a poem, anyway, and waiting for the continuing episode ...

    Puppet on a String

    文/伊卷舒 “Do you think, at my age, people can still fall in love?” Pamela asked in Chinese...

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    Puppet on a String

    文/伊卷舒 “Do you think, at my age, people can still fall in love?” Pamela asked in Chinese...

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    文/伊卷舒 I learned English when I was about 8, not from school, but from the father of my ...

  • @Athlon_BE 我是想問這是奧數(shù)思路嗎李根?沒參過的人真不懂:hushed:


    昨天,一個朋友的兒子參加了上海交大附中的初升高自招考試干发,這位朋友在我們的“偽雞娃家長”群里貼出了這次考試的數(shù)學學科拓展題朱巨,其中有一道幾何題如下圖所示。 坦率地說枉长,這道題目不是...

  • 這是奧數(shù)思路嗎冀续?:smile:
    連接圓心O與M,OM上取中點E必峰,連接BE洪唐,很容易證得 三角形OAM與OEB相似,三角形OEB與OCM全等吼蚁,即得AM/MC=2:stuck_out_tongue:


    昨天凭需,一個朋友的兒子參加了上海交大附中的初升高自招考試,這位朋友在我們的“偽雞娃家長”群里貼出了這次考試的數(shù)學學科拓展題肝匆,其中有一道幾何題如下圖所示粒蜈。 坦率地說,這道題目不是...

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    來自:簡書大嬸的“點名游戲” 被親愛的學習委員沙麗點名了旗国。 以下是十個問題: 1枯怖、你是從哪里知道簡書的 ? 朋友圈 2能曾、你大概是什么時候注冊簡書的度硝? 2016年1月 ...

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  • @Athlon_BE 是嘛?NCSU在夏洛特有個分校,我去過


    和在國內受到熱捧一樣捌治,瑞典家具品牌宜家在比利時也有好幾個連鎖店岗钩,除了它獨特的北歐設計風格以外,宜家另有一件法寶足以吸引顧客紛至沓來肖油,這件法寶就是瑞典肉丸子兼吓。 打折時只要2.3...

  • 俺連宜家都木有去過,悲催了:sob::sob:


    和在國內受到熱捧一樣森枪,瑞典家具品牌宜家在比利時也有好幾個連鎖店视搏,除了它獨特的北歐設計風格以外,宜家另有一件法寶足以吸引顧客紛至沓來县袱,這件法寶就是瑞典肉丸子浑娜。 打折時只要2.3...

  • 甜酒哥說啥,俺都信式散,盲目崇拜中:sunglasses:


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