遙寄教師節(jié)祝福 Sending Teacher's Day Greetings from Afar 曾共講臺度春秋降盹, 筆耕心耘志未休俐筋。 Together we spent y...
遙寄教師節(jié)祝福 Sending Teacher's Day Greetings from Afar 曾共講臺度春秋降盹, 筆耕心耘志未休俐筋。 Together we spent y...
新七言詩二首 Two New Poems in Seven-character Lines 1. 秋雨綿綿訴幽情 Autumn Rain Whispering Deep Fe...
南歌子(次東坡端午韻) 作者|楊無咎(宋代) By Yang Wujiu (Song Dynasty) 翻譯|周柯楠(Zhou Kenan) 小雨疏疏過廉丽, It has st...
母親是中華 Mother is China 歌詞|王曉嶺 Lyrics by Wang Xiaoling 翻譯|周柯楠 Translated by Zhou Kenan 太陽...
芒種 Grain in Ear 多情夏日卸衣裝, Clad thinly in the affectionate summer 汗水輕流壟上忙挨队。 Busy in the fi...
夕陽無限好 The Setting Sun Is Infinitely Good 作者|周柯楠 By Zhou Kenan 01 晴朗的天空給你陽光 The clear sk...