以下是Zeda_BAE整理的懂你學(xué)習筆記豺旬。 如您喜歡,請點個小喜歡轻专,您的支持是我最大的動力。 祝您: 豬年大吉,春節(jié)快樂苏章!身體健康!闔家幸福奏瞬! 懂你英語 Level 1 ?1...
狠下心付款購買懂你英語的那天,暗自立誓每天無論多么忙碌硼端,一定抽出半個小時精進英語并淋。 但總會有那么一天,或是在外旅游學(xué)習不便珍昨,或是忙碌一天大腦昏昏沉沉县耽,臨睡前突然意識到今天可能...
從皇帝的角度來說,末代皇帝溥儀是非常悲催的一個皇帝:妃子文繡和他離婚兔毙,嫁給了一個平民為妻唾琼,皇后婉容則和兩個侍衛(wèi)私通,給他戴上了大大的兩頂綠帽子澎剥。 皇后婉容父叙,其實也是一個可憐的...
I took a vacation last night. What are you talking about? Where did you take your vacat...
The controlled use of fire allowed people to cook food and survive in colder climates. ...
The Earth was formed about 4.6 billion years ago. The first life appeared about a billi...
Hey, Steven, you know I’m your friend, right? Sure, I know that. What are you trying to...
Co-founder of Apple, Steve Jobs was a major figure in the computer industry. He was sel...
The world's population is growing. There are now over 7 billion people in the world. Du...
QuickServe is a successful home repair company. It provides quick, reliable repair serv...
The heart pumps blood to all parts of the body through a system of arteries and veins. ...
A dental cavity is a hole in a tooth. A cavity is caused by bacteria in the mouth. Brus...
Harry‘s next few trips were to different parts of the world. He went to Europe twice, e...
Harry is an American businessman. His job requires him to do a lot of traveling. He tak...
Have you finished eating yet? No, I haven't. Why are you in such a hurry? I'm sorry, bu...
The two lines on the left intersect each other at a right angle, which is 90 degrees. T...
The atmosphere is made up of gases, such as oxygen and nitrogen.原文中間沒有逗號哦悠咱,去掉逗號
懂你英語 Level4 Unit1 Part2 Vocabulary - ScienceA force is a push or a pull on an object. A force changes the motion of a moving object...