240 發(fā)簡信
  • 2021/9/2

    速度蛉顽,瞬時速度和平均速度 首先要先明白運動的概念乏屯,機械運動是指位置發(fā)生變化。有了變化自然就會關(guān)心變化的快慢瑞凑。位置變化的大并不代表位置變化的快。兩個同學(xué)吃饅頭砂碉,一個同學(xué)吃了六個...

  • 時間五辽,位移


  • 2021-07-28


  • 開學(xué)第一課

    自我介紹 同學(xué)們好惕虑,開學(xué)第一堂課坟冲,物理課。第一節(jié)課溃蔫,我們先不上課健提,互相認(rèn)識一下,我先做個自己介紹酒唉,然后我再來認(rèn)識你們矩桂。黑板上寫下名字。 我叫&&痪伦,老家在內(nèi)蒙古侄榴。大家對內(nèi)蒙古應(yīng)...

  • 2021-08-09

    現(xiàn)在是晚上十點半,但是十點的時候自己剛醒网沾,做了一個噩夢癞蚕。 醒來的那一剎那,發(fā)現(xiàn)自己在做夢辉哥,可是夢中的場景還那么真實桦山,便開始想這讓自己擔(dān)憂的夢到底是真還是假攒射,幾秒鐘后,現(xiàn)實中的...

  • 120
    1 Steal like an artist 02

    1.Garbage in恒水, garbage out. 2. Chew on one thinker——writer, artist, activist, role model...

  • 1 Steal like an artist 01

    1.First, you figure out what's worth stealing, then you move on to the next thing. 2. T...

  • 5 Side projects and hobbies are important

    1. I think It's good to have a lot of projects going at once so you can bounce between ...

  • 8 Be nice(The world is a small town)

    Make Friends帕识, Ignore Enemies 1.The golden rule is more golden in our hyperconnected wor...

  • 7 Geography is no longer our master

    Build your own world 1.It isn't necessary that you leave home. Sit at your desk and lis...

  • The secret:do good work and share it with people

    In the beginning,obscurity is good I get a lot of e-mails from young people who ask,"Ho...

  • 2021-07-15


  • 2021-07-09

    3 write the book you want to read the best advice is not to write what you know,it's to...
