Counting Bits [method1] naive O(n*sizeof(int)) side note num/2 ===> num>>1num%2 ===> nu...

Counting Bits [method1] naive O(n*sizeof(int)) side note num/2 ===> num>>1num%2 ===> nu...
[ 80 questions / 3 ~= 27 a month..ok.. ] 1.29: remove_duplicatesI-III focus on III blah...
--- knowledge ---# of leaves = # of nonleaves + 1 - Binary Tree Inorder Traversal Th...
9.1] Climbing Stairs LIC dp O(n^2)lenLIS[i] = max (lenLIS[j] + 1), where nums[j]<nums[i...
像是夏日的最后一天 - to do 3.1】用一個數(shù)組實現(xiàn)三個棧 3.2】 How would you design a stack which, in addition t...
- Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array it counts when it's not roated note the while lo...
to do cc150 array&string (6-11)/11 leetcode review day 1 1.6] Rotate N*N matrix by 90 d...
- to do finish array&string (1-6)/11 on cc150 p66 - note unicode vs. ASCII: ASCII defin...
- 8.22-26 Mon-Fri review old problems, note where's weak go over corresponding cc150 pa...
6.19 to do unhandled special cases arise w/o help of dummy 2] Swap Nodes in Pairs note:...
to dobtw.-1] Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array 0] Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array...
to do 5%.. Reverse Linked List simple iterative - JS simple recursive - JS 2] Reverse L...
to do 1] Single NumbereeeeeiNo extra memory, 2] Single Number IInote the vector marks(...