exalt For everyone who exalts himself, will be humbled. And he who humbles himself will...

exalt For everyone who exalts himself, will be humbled. And he who humbles himself will...
drowse personify perturb any kind of social occasion perturbs us heavily fractious disc...
brunt bear the brunt of employment formative expedite expedite the plan casualty absorb...
discernible intrusive intrusive question meager Hallucination. Admonish. The teacher ad...
lop flout flout the law generative wedge absent Their father is absent from this pictur...
cramp constancy indiscriminate Indiscriminate killing. Intoxicated. Relinquish. Hierarc...
charisma harbinger inveterate inveterate gambler hectic hectic work writhe deluge conto...
committed stay committed to the goal scupper Local residents protest scattered develope...
reversion subside equitable The politician called for equitable distribution of social ...
Magnitude. No one realized the magnitude of this problem. Emaciated. Adept. adept at ta...
constrain climate constrained the growing of rice in north china ignite grotesque ecsta...
judicious Modern fertilizer should be used judiciously.. Mania Discerning. Frolic. Thei...
itinerant itinerant workers rack luggage rack unbecoming unbecoming dress feit discerni...
infactuation a passing infactuation lurk corrode matriculate overtake a car overtook me...
impair impair my hearing verbatim repeat the poems verbatim differentiate errant balk b...
scavenger callow a callow youth inestimable inestimable value interlude implicit the an...
mundane lead a mundane live a mundane book film optimize versatility impel intuitive an...
brusque brusque and arrogant baffle beautiful scenery baffles description the question ...
impale impale butterflies on pins impale him on a dilemma begrudge begrudge her success...
grandiose the grandiose scheme provident something unexpected may happen any time and y...