import random import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import math def randpa...
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D from matplotlib import cm from matplotlib.ticke...
import pylab as plt import numpy as np N=101 dx=2./(N-1) dt=0.1 D=1./4(dx*2)/dt class d...
Random systems 標簽(空格分隔): Final 物基一班 熊毅恒 2014301020065 Paste_Image.png Abstract Because ...
Exercise_11 : Chaotic tumbling of Hyperion Problem 4.19 & 4.202014301020065 熊毅恒 1.Abst...
@author: xyh """ import math import matplotlib.pyplot as plt GM=4(math.pi*2) class prec...
Exercise 10-Precession of the Perihelion of Mercury (4.10&4.11) 熊毅恒 2014301020065 1.abs...
Exercise09-The Billiard Problem 熊毅恒 2014301020065 1.abstract The billiard system can al...
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np class billiard_circle(): def init(se...
""" Created on Wed Nov 16 21:04:04 2016 @author: TanMingjun """ import matplotlib.pyplo...