What I Wish Someone Had Told Me[https://blog.samaltman.com/what-i-wish-someone-had-told...
What I Wish Someone Had Told Me[https://blog.samaltman.com/what-i-wish-someone-had-told...
Step 3 Hash Table APIs In this implementations, hash table provides public APIs like ge...
Step 2: hash function XOR(Exclusive or) is a logical operator that works on bits. Let’s...
There's a very interesting github repo called "build-your-own-x": https://github.com/co...
相向雙指針 專題一 Two Sum Two Sum III - Data structure designhttps://leetcode.com/problems/two-...
Week1/2 刷題 (7.9 - 7.23) 復雜度理論與雙指針算法入門 必須熟練掌握的兩個排序算法 二分法 三種雙指針算法 相向雙指針(判斷回文串) 背向雙指針(最長回文...
發(fā)送數(shù)據(jù) 發(fā)送數(shù)據(jù)時常用的有三個函數(shù)库车,分別是 write、send 和 sendmsg: 每個函數(shù)都是單獨使用的肿孵,使用的場景略有不同: 第一個函數(shù)是常見的文件寫函數(shù)灶壶,如果把 ...
套接字和地址 講這幅圖的真正用意在于引入 socket 的概念灾茁,請注意牧抽,以上所有的操作,都是通過 socket 來完成的夏块。無論是客戶端的 connect疏咐,還是服務端的 acc...
Factors affecting our sleep quality AdenosineSleepiness is driven by increase of adenos...
HTTP HTTP or HyperText Transfer Protocol is the protocol at the core of the web. Object...
The TCP/IP Model Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and the Internet Protocol (IP) The...
進程間通信的各種模式 Pipe Message Queue Shared Memory 管道 還記得咱們最初學 Linux 命令的時候,有下面這樣一行命令: ps -ef |...
2022.1.1的開年好浪脐供,真的愉快浑塞,快日落前那浪超級glassy, 看起來很愉悅,超級smooth美得要死政己。 最近的重點是學會angling the pop up 或者說帶...
前置篇:01|內存:值放堆上還是放棧上酌壕,這是一個問題 回頭重新思考,編程中那些耳熟能詳卻又似懂非懂的基礎概念歇由,搞清楚底層邏輯卵牍。 棧 棧上存放的數(shù)據(jù)是靜態(tài)的,固定大小印蓖,固定生命...
C.hierclass: Designing classes in a hierarchy:[https://isocpp.github.io/CppCoreGuidelin...
今天本來不報什么期待的辽慕,surf report上說浪很小京腥,但幸運的是實際上還不錯赦肃,而且?guī)缀鯖]有風。這種glassy至極的海浪我真的很少見到公浪,就很柔和他宛,而且像整個視覺的銳度減少...
C.121: If a base class is used as an interface, make it a pure abstract class[https://i...