2021-1010酌心,打卡第1102天檀夹。 1、周日課堂 2判导、核心詞匯 3稽亏、全文講解 4、學(xué)習(xí)打卡
2021-1009禁炒,打卡第1101天。There must be a moment, when you simply want to enjoy yourself, with...
2021-1007,打卡第1099天玛痊。We should be open to the beauty of the world, to be curious around n...
2021-1006汰瘫,打卡第1098天。 1擂煞、核心報導(dǎo) 2混弥、核心詞匯 3、全文講解 4对省、作業(yè)打卡
2021-1004仓手,打卡第1096天。 1玻淑、核心報導(dǎo) 2嗽冒、核心詞匯 3、全文講解 4补履、作業(yè)打卡
2021-1003添坊,打卡第1095天。 1箫锤、核心報導(dǎo) 2贬蛙、核心詞匯 3、全文講解 4谚攒、作業(yè)打卡
2021-1002阳准,打卡第1094天。 1五鲫、核心報導(dǎo) 2溺职、核心詞匯 3、全文講解 4位喂、分句跟讀 5浪耘、作業(yè)打卡
2021-0930七冲,打卡第1092天。No getting by, no giving up, no slowing down.不將就规婆,不妥協(xié)澜躺,不停留蝉稳。 1、卡拉OK 2掘鄙、口...
2021-0929耘戚,打卡第1091天。We started something, we gotta finish it.做事情要有始有終操漠。 1收津、核心報導(dǎo) 2、核心詞匯 3浊伙、全...
2021-0928嚣鄙,打卡第1090天吻贿。Every single thing you once learned, every single pain you once suff...
2021-0927,打卡第1089天哑子。I believe every cloud has a silver lining.我堅信守得云開見月明舅列。The greater the...
2021-0926,打卡第1088天赵抢。Do not trust flatterers.不要相信奉承者剧蹂。 1声功、周日課堂 2烦却、核心詞匯 3、分句跟讀 4先巴、作業(yè)打卡
2021-0925,打卡第1087天伸蚯。People nowadays seem to enjoy less and that's probaly because we are...
2021-0924摩渺,打卡第1086天。Virtual idols are more customizable. This kind of interaction is str...
2021-0923剂邮,打卡第1085天摇幻。If you were to build a boat, prior to sending people to collect wood...
2021-0922,打卡第1084天挥萌。In the end, the ones that really make it are the ones who really wan...
2021-0921绰姻,打卡第1083天。There are two foundamental flaws, from which all the others develop,...