Ms Dong is keeping on work hard for the 14th day . 26 April 2020 Luoyang My sister is a...
Ms Dong is keeping on work hard for the 13th day . 25 April 2020 Luoyang I have a beau...
Ms Dong is keeping on work hard for the 12th day . 24 April 2020 Luoyang I am liNa . I ...
Ms Dong is keeping on work hard for the 11th day . 23 April 2020 Luoyang I have a be...
Ms Dong is keeping on work hard for the tenth day . 22 April 2020 Luoyang My mother ge...
Ms Dong is keeping on work hard for the eighth day . 20 April 2020 Luoyang We have a ...
Ms Dong is keeping on work hard for the seventh day . 19 April 2020 Luoyang Today is w...
Ms Dong is keeping on work hard for the sixth day . 18 April 2020 Luoyang I go to work...
Ms Dong is keeping on work hard for the fifth day . 17 April 2020 Luoyang I went to vis...
Ms Dong is keeping on work hard for the fourth day . 16 April 2020 Luoyang I go to th...
Ms Dong is keeping on work hard for the third day . 15 April 2020 Luoyang Today is ...
Ms Dong is keeping on work hard for the second day . 14 April 2020 Yichuan Luoyang To...
Ms Dong is keeping on work hard for the first day . 13 April 2020 Yichuan Luoya...
荀子《勸學(xué)篇》 不積累一步半步,就沒有辦法到達(dá)千里的地方塘揣;不積累小河流,就沒有辦法匯成江海宿崭。比喻積累的作用亲铡,可以充實(shí)、豐富葡兑、完善自己奖蔓。可用來論說學(xué)習(xí)工作貴在不斷積累讹堤。 ...