1) install OpenJDK windows version e.g. zulu versionshttps://www.azul.com/downloads/?ve...
1) install OpenJDK windows version e.g. zulu versionshttps://www.azul.com/downloads/?ve...
a very good blog post on RNN and its variant LSTM Colah's blog: Understanding LSTM Netw...
"RuntimeError: a view of a leaf Variable that requires grad is being used in an in-plac...
I recently upgraded Ubuntu to the lasted version, and got this error running a python s...
LyX[https://www.lyx.org/] LyX is free. The .lyx file could be directly exported as .pdf...
proof The Softmax function and its derivative[https://eli.thegreenplace.net/2016/the-so...
Python AND operator on two boolean lists - how?[https://stackoverflow.com/questions/321...
Why is numpy.random.choice so slow?[https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18622781/why-is...
useful vectorization methods for pandas.DataFrame .diff[https://pandas.pydata.org/docs/...
PyCharm 22.3.2 Professional version To add PYTHONPATH to your current project PyCharm a...
This means a 1-dimensional array of shape (5,) can be thought of as a row vector since ...
CAPM provides a mathematical framework for hedge fund investing It explains how the mar...
The fundamental law of active portfolio management Grinold was seeking a method of rela...
Assumptions Large number of investors operating in the market for profit New informatio...
Systematic and Specific Risk[https://financetrain.com/systematic-and-specific-risk] Sys...
What Is a Trailing Stop? Example and How to to Use It[https://www.investopedia.com/term...
What is the Rule of 72 in simple terms?[https://www.primerica.com/public/rule-of-72.htm...
When subsetting one column named JPM from a dataframe df 1) if you'd like to have a Ser...