哭是孩子的生存技能离唬,與生俱來,才能不餓著桑阶。冷著姜性,孤單著浅碾,但是學(xué)會了語言之后挡逼,這個技能是需要漸漸被替代的。 因此错邦,家長和環(huán)境對于她哭的反饋就相當(dāng)重要了探赫。理解,溝通幫助孩子成長撬呢。
2019-06-09 反思日記>>每日小記<< 1.今天遇到了什么問題伦吠? (1)表面問題:最近發(fā)現(xiàn)我家小寶特別愛哭,特別是2歲后魂拦,稍微不如意毛仪,眼淚就來了。 (2)實際問題:2歲寶寶為何如此愛哭芯勘?場景還原:...
哭是孩子的生存技能离唬,與生俱來,才能不餓著桑阶。冷著姜性,孤單著浅碾,但是學(xué)會了語言之后挡逼,這個技能是需要漸漸被替代的。 因此错邦,家長和環(huán)境對于她哭的反饋就相當(dāng)重要了探赫。理解,溝通幫助孩子成長撬呢。
2019-06-09 反思日記>>每日小記<< 1.今天遇到了什么問題伦吠? (1)表面問題:最近發(fā)現(xiàn)我家小寶特別愛哭,特別是2歲后魂拦,稍微不如意毛仪,眼淚就來了。 (2)實際問題:2歲寶寶為何如此愛哭芯勘?場景還原:...
2百多天箱靴,也level8 了,就靠你的簡書活了
“懂你荷愕,無他刨晴,唯熟爾”——我的懂你學(xué)習(xí)筆記一、初識懂你 從下決心跟英語死磕到底路翻,到遇見她——英語流利說狈癞,算是偶然中的必然。 因為按照自己的英語學(xué)習(xí)計劃茂契,對于發(fā)音部分蝶桶,嘗試了眾多英語學(xué)習(xí)軟件和課程,一直都沒有找到一款太...
“懂你,無他罪治,唯熟爾”——我的懂你學(xué)習(xí)筆記一丽声、初識懂你 從下決心跟英語死磕到底,到遇見她——英語流利說觉义,算是偶然中的必然雁社。 因為按照自己的英語學(xué)習(xí)計劃,對于發(fā)音部分谁撼,嘗試了眾多英語學(xué)習(xí)軟件和課程歧胁,一直都沒有找到一款太...
英語流利說 Level7 Unit3 Part2 : On Reading MindsRebecca Saxe: How we read each other's minds...
nowadays computer scientists are building platforms that control what a billion people see every day.
we,re now using computation to make all sorts of decisions,but also new kinds of decisions.
we have no such anchors and benchmarks for decisions in messy human affairs.
recently in the past decade. complex algorithms have made great strides.
i started my first job as a computer programmer in my very first year of college
L7-U3-P2 英語流利說 7-3-2 懂你英語 Level7 Unit3 Part2 : On Reading Minds英語流利說 Level7 Unit3 Part2 : On Reading MindsRebecca Saxe: How we read each other's minds...
although Goliath was wearing heavy armor all over his body, he was vulnerable between his eyes.
it was a way of settling disputes without incurring the bloodshed of a major battle.
when he says, come to me ,Goliathe expects David to come to him to fight hand to hand.
the Philistines want to occupy the highland area and split the kingdom of Israel in two.
I have been defending my flock against lions and wolves for years.
the very thing that was the source of his apparent strength was also the source of his greatest weakness
L7-U3-P3 英語流利說 7-3-3 懂你英語 Level7 Unit3 Part3 : David and Goliath英語流利說 Level7 Unit3 Part3 : David and GoliathMalcolm Gladwell: The unheard story of Davi...