主要通過SharedPreferences進行存儲,難點主要是1.倒序顯示 2.去重 3.最多顯示n條配椭。話不多說看代碼 代碼就這些虫溜,放到你的工具類里面,在你需要的地方調(diào)用...
Flutter Introduction Flutter is an open-source mobile application development framework...
Http client Http[https://pub.dev/packages/http] The http package provides the simplest ...
1. Flutter interact with native Adding a Flutter Fragment to an Android app Add a Flutt...
Route and Navigator Basic usage The basic use of the Navigator is to jump from one page...
State management approaches Detail Reference[https://flutter.dev/docs/development/data-...
Resource file configuration In Flutter, the path of the resource needs to be configured...
Commonly used third-party libraries Network requestDioDio is a powerful Dart Http reque...
Flutter Application Manual integration flutter create myApp if wanting to specify the d...
Certificate pinning ssl_pinning_plugin Plugin for check SSL Pinning on request HTTP. Ch...
Multiple module support or walk around Import multiple Flutter modules in a native app ...
1.Flutter module支持hot reload (熱重載)進入到flutter module目錄下 執(zhí)行命令 flutter attach 即可 Waiting f...
函數(shù) 函數(shù)的聲明和用法 省略 參數(shù) 函數(shù)參數(shù)使用 Pascal 表示法定義奸腺,即 name: type。參數(shù)用逗號隔開血久。每個參數(shù)必須有顯式類型: 默認參數(shù)函數(shù)參數(shù)可以有默認值突照,...
run 例如現(xiàn)在有這么一個場景,用戶領取app的獎勵氧吐,如果用戶沒有登錄彈出登錄dialog讹蘑,如果已經(jīng)登錄則彈出領取獎勵的dialog。我們可以使用以下代碼來處理這個邏輯副砍。 w...
常用操作符 contains(元素) : 檢查集合中是否包含指定的元素衔肢,若存在則返回true,反之返回falseelementAt(index) : 獲取對應下標的元素豁翎。若下...
一正什、標題在想要設置為標題的文字前面加#來表示一個#是一級標題咽瓷,二個#是二級標題到逊,以此類推铛铁。支持六級標題。 注:標準語法一般在#后跟個空格再寫文字系宜,貌似簡書不加空格也行。 二、...