240 發(fā)簡信
  • A collections of "holes"

    3.1 日語里桃子叫もも邻储,李子叫スモモ硝清,于是wayne同學(xué)去買水果凝果,買一斤桃子(モモ)一斤李子(スモモ),他對小商販說:モモも1きん这溅,スモモも1...

  • Persuasion 1 On Internet

    Topic: Some people say that the Internet provides people with a lot of v...

  • Resize,w 360,h 240
    Explain the physics of a guitar

    Note: pluck a string—standing wave(駐波)—nodes(still)/anti-nodes(oscillate...

  • Resize,w 360,h 240
    How does a 3D printer work

    The ingenious idea behind 3D printing is that adding up lots of 2D layer...

  • Resize,w 360,h 240
    The anatomy of an oak tree

    Look at that lovely nut on the ground. It has got tough, leathery shell ...

  • Day 11 The Gumbie cat

    With the crescendo of a single note, the stage was gradually lit up. Thu...

  • 甘比英文拓展寫作-描述生平-Elise

    Merkel was born in Hamburg, West Germany, in 1954. When she was only wee...

  • Day 7 Revision

    寫作積累: Day 1 1. dip: …where the main road dipped down into a little hollo...

  • Day 6 Mr. Knightly

    Brown hair with streaks of slight curls at the forehead. Well, that shou...
