Wonder Among all the wayEnglish books I’ve ever read, Wonder is definite...
The book is quite different from the movie (at least for the part I have...
Already finished this book! I think the most impressive story is Chapter...
I have to admit that those difficult tasks described in this book remind...
Honestly, I haven’t finished Chapter 2. But I need to hand in my assignm...
Honestly, I haven’t finished Chapter 2. But I need to hand in my assignm...
我來補(shui)作業(yè)了 我到今天才看完這一章贺喝。因為我覺得這本書有點一言難盡凡辱,基本上看幾頁就需要一個cd時間界牡。 實話怜校,不喜歡這本書的風(fēng)格成翩。第一個...
1.Various teams on the Earth have been literally working around clock to...
1.what is the purpose of Sirius 4? Sirius 4 is to find the Pathfinder wh...