馬上要到七夕節(jié)了百侧,又是新一輪購物狂潮摹察,所以今天聊一聊實用的“折扣”英語坞淮。 # sale VS sales 美國年度最大的促銷季被稱為“黑色星期五”: Black Friday...
This morning Sam got a message from a company based in Japan. It’s a medical supply com...
Sam Malone has been working at Ace Express for the past 6 years. Ace is a shipping comp...
浙江一位年輕媽媽洒忧,通宵玩手機胁塞,早上家人叫她吃飯一動不動。 走近一看才發(fā)現(xiàn)溉奕,她躺在被窩里褂傀,側(cè)臥著,眼睛死死盯著手機加勤,身體卻已經(jīng)冰涼僵直仙辟。 這位媽媽剛滿27歲同波,有兩個孩子,大女兒...
The British writer,Jane Austen, was born in England ,in 1775,one of seven children. She...
That’s it. Can I just,you know,look at it for a minute You are an artist,Sid. You are t...