英語流利說 Level8 Unit2 Part3 : Experience vs MemoryDaniel Kahneman: The ridd...
英語流利說 Level8 Unit2 Part3 : Experience vs MemoryDaniel Kahneman: The ridd...
以下是Zeda_BAE整理的懂你學習筆記蝶锋。 如您喜歡汉形,請點個小喜歡边器,您的支持是我最大的動力梧田。 祝您豬年大吉江解,春節(jié)快樂~义屏!身體健康~磨镶!闔家幸福~邪蛔!...
1 I'm going to talk about a failure of intuition that many of us suffer ...
Sam Harris:Can we build AI without losing control over it急黎? | TED Talk Vi...
Sam Harris: Can we build AI without losing control over it? TEDSummit ?1...
The mathematics of love by Hannah Fry Video 1 Today I want to talk to yo...
1 First, a video. Yes, it is a scrambled egg. But as you look at it, I h...
英語流利說 Level8 Unit1 Part2 : On Controlling AISam Harris: Can we build AI ...
英語流利說 Level8 Unit1 Part3 : On Sports TechnologyDavid Epstein: Are athlet...
英語流利說 Level8 Unit3 Part3 : The history of our worldDavid Christian: The ...