最短路算法算是基礎(chǔ)算法筹煮, 我還是總是忘。居夹。維基有個(gè)動(dòng)圖很好败潦,比較直觀,可是還不夠友好准脂,于是自己做了點(diǎn)筆記劫扒,僅供參考。網(wǎng)上關(guān)于Dijkstra的文章也不少狸膏,適合的才是最好的沟饥。
動(dòng)態(tài)圖 - 來自wiki
城市間距離 目標(biāo)為找出從序號(hào)為1的城市到序號(hào)為5的城市的最短路徑专甩。
該路徑可以由 已知最短路徑 迭代求出戏溺。
剛看動(dòng)態(tài)圖可能跟不上,我們用工具將gif轉(zhuǎn)為png一幀幀過一遍就好理解了品姓, 圖在后面寝并,先看代碼。
- 由維基百科里的偽代碼腹备,可以比較簡(jiǎn)單地轉(zhuǎn)換為python代碼衬潦。
V = [ # 頂點(diǎn)列表
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
w = [ # 城市間距離, -1表示無窮大,與圖中一致
[ 0, 7, 9, -1, -1, 14],
[ 7, 0, 10, 15, -1, -1],
[ 9, 10, 0, 11, -1, 2],
[-1, 15, 11, 0, 6, -1],
[-1, -1, -1, 6, 0, 9],
[14, -1, 2, -1, 9, 0]]
def Dijkstra(V=V, w=w, s=1, dest=5):
d = [-1 if v != s else 0 for v in V] # 出發(fā)點(diǎn)到各點(diǎn)的已知最短路徑的初始值, 到自身為0
N = len(V) # 頂點(diǎn)數(shù)
p = [None] * N # 出發(fā)點(diǎn)到各點(diǎn)的已知最短路徑的前一個(gè)點(diǎn)
S = set() # 這個(gè)集合暫時(shí)沒什么用處
Q = set(range(N)) # 生成所有頂點(diǎn)的虛擬序號(hào)的集合, 以0起始
def Extract_Min(Q): # 將頂點(diǎn)集合Q中有最小d[u]值的頂點(diǎn)u從Q中刪除并返回u植酥,可先不管
u_min = None
for u in Q:
if d[u] != -1: # 無窮大則跳過
u_min = u
for u in Q:
if d[u] == -1: # 無窮大則跳過
if d[u_min] > d[u]:
u_min = u
return u_min
v_d = V.index(dest) # 目的地的虛擬序號(hào)
while Q : # 當(dāng)Q非空
u = Extract_Min(Q) # 將頂點(diǎn)集合Q中有最小d[u]值的頂點(diǎn)u從Q中刪除并返回u
if u == v_d : break # 可以在找到目的地之后立即終止镀岛,也可繼續(xù)查找完所有最短路徑
v_reached_from_u = [i for i in range(N) if w[u][i] != -1] # u能到達(dá)的頂點(diǎn), 這里沒有去除在S中的頂點(diǎn)
for v in v_reached_from_u:
if d[v] > d[u] + w[u][v] or d[v] == -1: # 如果經(jīng)過u再到v的距離更短
d[v] = d[u] + w[u][v] # 用該值更新已知最短路徑
p[v] = u # 則已知到v的最短路徑上的倒數(shù)第二個(gè)點(diǎn)為u
print('d=', d)
v = v_d # 由p列表可以回溯出最短路徑
final_route = []
while v != V.index(s):
final_route.insert(0, str(V[v]))
v = p[v]
final_route.insert(0, str(V[v]))
print('最終路徑', '-->'.join(final_route))
#d= [0, 7, 9, -1, -1, 14]
#d= [0, 7, 9, 22, -1, 14]
#d= [0, 7, 9, 20, -1, 11]
#d= [0, 7, 9, 20, 20, 11]
#最終路徑 1-->3-->6-->5
from heapq import heappop, heappush
V = [ # 頂點(diǎn)列表
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
w = [ # 城市間距離, -1表示無窮大
[ 0, 7, 9, -1, -1, 14],
[ 7, 0, 10, 15, -1, -1],
[ 9, 10, 0, 11, -1, 2],
[-1, 15, 11, 0, 6, -1],
[-1, -1, -1, 6, 0, 9],
[14, -1, 2, -1, 9, 0]]
def Dijkstra(V=V, w=w, s=1, dest=5):
N = len(V) # 頂點(diǎn)數(shù)
S = set()
Q = [(0, V.index(s))] # 路徑長(zhǎng),城市虛擬序號(hào)
v_d = V.index(dest)
while Q : # 當(dāng)Q非空
d, u = heappop(Q)
if u == v_d :
break # 可以在找到目的地之后立即終止低淡,也可繼續(xù)查找完所有最短路徑
# 如果到目的地的距離已經(jīng)是當(dāng)前所有距離中最短的姓言,那不可能會(huì)有更短的,所以退出
if u not in S:
v_reached_from_u = [i for i in range(N) if w[u][i] != -1] # u能到達(dá)的頂點(diǎn)
for v in v_reached_from_u:
if v not in S:
heappush(Q, ((d + w[u][v]), v)) # 到頂點(diǎn)v的某條路徑的距離
Dijkstra() # 20
- 要記錄路徑蔗蹋,只需要在放入堆中的每個(gè)小元組尾部再加上個(gè)記號(hào)何荚,改動(dòng)很少
from heapq import heappop, heappush
V = [ # 頂點(diǎn)列表
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
w = [ # 城市間距離, -1表示無窮大
[ 0, 7, 9, -1, -1, 14],
[ 7, 0, 10, 15, -1, -1],
[ 9, 10, 0, 11, -1, 2],
[-1, 15, 11, 0, 6, -1],
[-1, -1, -1, 6, 0, 9],
[14, -1, 2, -1, 9, 0]]
def Dijkstra(V=V, w=w, s=1, dest=5):
N = len(V) # 頂點(diǎn)數(shù)
S = set()
Q = [(0, V.index(s), str(s))] # 路徑長(zhǎng), 序號(hào), 路徑
v_d = V.index(dest)
while Q : # 當(dāng)Q非空
d, u, p = heappop(Q)
if u == v_d :
print(d, p)
break # 可以在找到目的地之后立即終止,也可繼續(xù)查找完所有最短路徑
# 如果到目的地的距離已經(jīng)是當(dāng)前所有距離中最短的猪杭,那不可能會(huì)有更短的餐塘,所以退出
if u not in S:
v_reached_from_u = [i for i in range(N) if w[u][i] != -1] # u能到達(dá)的頂點(diǎn)
for v in v_reached_from_u:
if v not in S:
(d + w[u][v]), v, ''.join((p,'->',str(V[v])))
)) # 到頂點(diǎn)v的某條路徑的距離
Dijkstra() # 20 1->3->6->5
分解圖 - 使用文末工具
- 在網(wǎng)上找到的效果最好的從gif到png的轉(zhuǎn)化代碼
# https://gist.github.com/BigglesZX/4016539
import os
from PIL import Image
I searched high and low for solutions to the "extract animated GIF frames in Python"
problem, and after much trial and error came up with the following solution based
on several partial examples around the web (mostly Stack Overflow).
There are two pitfalls that aren't often mentioned when dealing with animated GIFs -
firstly that some files feature per-frame local palettes while some have one global
palette for all frames, and secondly that some GIFs replace the entire image with
each new frame ('full' mode in the code below), and some only update a specific
region ('partial').
This code deals with both those cases by examining the palette and redraw
instructions of each frame. In the latter case this requires a preliminary (usually
partial) iteration of the frames before processing, since the redraw mode needs to
be consistently applied across all frames. I found a couple of examples of
partial-mode GIFs containing the occasional full-frame redraw, which would result
in bad renders of those frames if the mode assessment was only done on a
single-frame basis.
Nov 2012
def analyseImage(path):
Pre-process pass over the image to determine the mode (full or additive).
Necessary as assessing single frames isn't reliable. Need to know the mode
before processing all frames.
im = Image.open(path)
results = {
'size': im.size,
'mode': 'full',
while True:
if im.tile:
tile = im.tile[0]
update_region = tile[1]
update_region_dimensions = update_region[2:]
if update_region_dimensions != im.size:
results['mode'] = 'partial'
im.seek(im.tell() + 1)
except EOFError:
return results
def processImage(path):
Iterate the GIF, extracting each frame.
mode = analyseImage(path)['mode']
im = Image.open(path)
i = 0
p = im.getpalette()
last_frame = im.convert('RGBA')
while True:
print("saving %s (%s) frame %d, %s %s" % (path, mode, i, im.size, im.tile))
If the GIF uses local colour tables, each frame will have its own palette.
If not, we need to apply the global palette to the new frame.
if not im.getpalette():
new_frame = Image.new('RGBA', im.size)
Is this file a "partial"-mode GIF where frames update a region of a different size to the entire image?
If so, we need to construct the new frame by pasting it on top of the preceding frames.
if mode == 'partial':
new_frame.paste(im, (0,0), im.convert('RGBA'))
new_frame.save('%s-%d.png' % (''.join(os.path.basename(path).split('.')[:-1]), i), 'PNG')
i += 1
last_frame = new_frame
im.seek(im.tell() + 1)
except EOFError:
# 使用
import os