?When he is in a bad mood, he is full of low spirit and doesn’t enjoy the company of anybody.
提示:mood, company/ companion, full of low spirit.
(When he is in a bad mood, he is full of spirit and doesn’t want any company.)?
1. people are no damn good?
Cynical,?embittered,?suspicious,?you hate everyone. (Especially, but never to be admitted, yourself?) The?perfectibility?of the human race?"?Nonsense! No way!" The stupidity,?the?meanness,?and the?crookedness of most?mortals?("Most? Probably all!") -- that is your favorite theme.
●?Embitter 使怨恨迎捺,使痛苦
○?He was?embittered?by years of unrewarded labor. 他因常年無回報的勞動而痛苦硝烂。
He was embittered by years of unrewarded love.
feel bitter about ?She felt bitter about his infidelity/ She was embittered by his infidelity.
●?Be suspicious of 懷疑
○?I am?suspicious?of him cheating on me. 我懷疑他給我?guī)ЬG帽子了。
with a grain of salt 對所有事將信將疑
2. women are no damn good?
Sometimes in your?dim?past, you were?crossed惹怒,?scorned,?or deeply?wounded?by a woman (a mother, or mother figure, perhaps?). So now you have a carefully?constructeddefense against?further hurt -- you hate all women.
a misogynist
finger crossed
crossed swords 各種觀點交鋒
He yearned for the comfort of Catelyn's arms, for the sounds of Robb and Jon?crossing?swords?in the practice yard, for the cool days and cold nights of the north.
I? noun??[ ?noncount? ]
??1?:?a feeling that someone or something is not worthy of any respect or approval
???I have nothing but?scorn?[=contempt] for people who are cruel to animals.
???They treated his suggestion with?scorn.
???an expression full of?scorn
??2?:?harsh criticism that shows a lack of respect or approval for someone or something
???Her political rivals have?poured/heaped scorn on?her ideas for improving the tax system
??verb?,?scorns,?scorned,?scorn·ing?[ ?+ obj? ]
??1?:?to show that you think (someone or something) is not worthy of respect or approval?:?to feel or express scorn for (someone or something)
???He?scorns?anyone who earns less money than he does.
???Her actions were?scorned?by many people.
???They were?scorned?as fanatics.
??2?formal?:?to refuse or reject (someone or something that you do not think is worthy of respect or approval)
???She?scorned?his invitation.
— sometimes followed by?to + verb
???He?scorned to reply?to their accusations.
●?Scorn ≈look down upon看不起
○?She?scorned?to tell a lie.她不屑于撒謊悍手。
●?Wound 受傷帘睦,傷口
○?Don't think rubbing salt in a wound would help. 不要認為在傷口上撒鹽會有所幫助。
●?Defense?against 防御坦康,保衛(wèi)
○?A thick overcoat is a good?defense?against the cold. 一件厚大衣足以御寒竣付。
3.?“marriage is an institution--and who wants to live in an institution?"?
You will not make?the ultimate legal commitment.?Members of the opposite sex?are great as lovers, roommates, apartment-or house-sharers, but not as?lawfully wedded spouses.?The?ties?that bind are too binding for you.?You may possibly believe, and possibly, for yourself, be right, that a commitment is deeper and more meaningful if freedom is available without?judicial proceedings.
a misogamist
●?Members of the the opposite sex 異性
○?He's never been comfortable around?members of the opposite sex. 他和異性相處一直不太自在。
●?Bind 捆綁?
lawfully wedded spouses
tie the knot 結婚
民政局 Civil affair bureau
○?The agreement will be legal?binding. 該協(xié)議具有法律效應滞欠。
binding 有約束力的
○?He is?in a bind.?他有困難古胆。
●?judicial proceedings 司法程序
○?Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States 美國最高法院大法官?
How satire works:https://www.bilibili.com/video/av26660412?from=search&seid=10780586863666479383
今年85歲的金斯伯格(Ruth Bader Ginsburg)是美國最高法院第二位女性大法官。金斯伯格大法官由克林頓提名仑撞,1993年宣誓就職赤兴,在位已有25年。她影響了最高法院歷史上幾個最重要的女性權利案件隧哮,堅決支持婦女墮胎權利以及同性戀婚姻合法化桶良。她畢生致力于推動性別平權成為一項憲法原則,因此沮翔,她也成為了美國最高法院內(nèi)富有爭議的自由派法官之一陨帆,作為女性,她深知women for women的作用采蚀。
她的個人傳記Notorious RBG: The Life and Times of Ruth Bader Ginsburg 已有中文譯本疲牵,名為《異見時刻:"聲名狼藉"的金斯伯格大法官》,有興趣的可以去各大購書平臺購買榆鼠。
Ginsburg was born in?Brooklyn, New York, to Russian Jewish immigrants. Her older sister died when she was a baby, and her mother, one of her biggest sources of encouragement, died shortly before Ginsburg graduated from high school. She then earned her bachelor's degree at?Cornell University, and became a wife and mother before starting law school at Harvard, where she was one of the few women in her class. Ginsburg transferred to?Columbia Law School, where she graduated tied for first in her class. Following law school, Ginsburg turned to academia. She was a professor at?Rutgers Law School?and Columbia Law School, teaching civil procedure as one of the few women in her field.
Ginsburg spent a considerable part of her legal career as an advocate for the advancement of?gender equality?and?women's rights, winning multiple victories arguing before the Supreme Court. She advocated as a volunteer lawyer for the?American Civil Liberties Union?and was a member of its board of directors and one of its general counsels in the 1970s. In 1980, President?Jimmy Carter?appointed her to the?U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, where she served until her appointment to the Supreme Court. Ginsburg has received?considerable attention in American popular culture; dubbed the "Notorious R.B.G.", she is seen as a symbol of?public resistance, private resilience, and?justice.