本期主題being sick 請病假
電話鈴響质帅。Julia來電請假I am felling quite ill today.(好一陣猛咳!貌似病好厲害哈哈)
看看她說的癥狀黔牵,病的不輕:疑似流感聪轿,頭痛喉嚨痛流鼻涕再加發(fā)燒哈哈齊上陣: I think I am coming down with a flu,I have a headache, sore throat. I am running nose, I am feeling slightly feverish.
老板直言so you are calling in sick.
Julia道出真正用意:I was hoping to take the day off to recover.
trying to get some rest.(好體貼老板)
兩個主持人:Julia真能裝盎帧陆错!It seems that shewas acting. Yeah
how to tell your boss that you can’t work because you are sick, maybe alie.
兩種情況:can’t work/don’t want to work.
Language Takeaway
1. headache=a sore head=head hurt
2. sore throat喉嚨痛
sore= hurting 女主持人解說喉嚨部位(張大嘴巴好敬業(yè)5婆住)It’s
the part at the back of your mouth或者吞口水處swallow
有幾個疼的部位,還可以說a sore back/a sore arm(打球后) /sore leg.
3.? running nose 流鼻涕
聽上去很奇怪的表達(dá)a strange word音瓷,a running nose什么鬼对嚼。不是鼻子在跑,而是描述 a lot of water coming (faster) out
of your nose.好形象绳慎!
4.? slightly feverish
?slightly=a little bit.
fever :body is hot when you are sick, 感覺發(fā)燙發(fā)燒feelingyour body very hot/feel like you have high temperature.
5. To recover=to get better.
Vocabulary Preview
1.? be quite/very ill =be very sick
英式英語中ill比sick更常用more common in British English
2. flu流感the~=sickness=virus病毒; be similar to cold 全稱influenza????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Fluency Builder (phrases)
1. be coming down with a flu/cold/cough=be starting to get sick.=be beginning to feel sick.
即快要……了be coming down with sth you don’t know what it is
2. calling in sick
Be calling in sick means I am calling in sick because I don‘’t feel well or I don’t want to get work)
女主持人說雖三個字但意味深長Three words showing a long idea
請病假實則為不想上班纵竖,大家心知肚明Everyone knows.
3. Take the day off.休假=To not to get to work on that day.
Take the week/month/ year(休一年哈哈,運(yùn)氣好的話you are luck)
有私事就請病假靡砌!To say you are sick when you are really having sth to do with.
女主持人說加拿大這叫a personal day,女生可以去購物
Marco說球賽季時全員請假珊楼!a soccer game/match