1 markdown
Markdown 是一種輕量級的標記語言,可用于在純文本文檔中添加格式化元素馅精。Markdown 由 John Gruber 于 2004 年創(chuàng)建严嗜,如今已成為世界上最受歡迎的標記語言之一。
- 專注于文字內(nèi)容洲敢;
- 純文本漫玄,易讀易寫,可以方便地納入版本控制压彭;
- 語法簡單睦优,沒有什么學(xué)習(xí)成本,能輕松在碼字的同時做出美觀大方的排版壮不。
2 R Markdown
The rmarkdown package (Allaire, Xie, McPherson, et al. 2021) was first created in early 2014. During the past four years, it has steadily evolved into a relatively complete ecosystem for authoring documents, so it is a good time for us to provide a definitive guide to this ecosystem now. At this point, there are a large number of tasks that you could do with R Markdown:
Compile a single R Markdown document to a report in different formats, such as PDF, HTML, or Word.
Create notebooks in which you can directly run code chunks interactively.
Make slides for presentations (HTML5, LaTeX Beamer, or PowerPoint).
Produce dashboards with flexible, interactive, and attractive layouts.
Build interactive applications based on Shiny.
Write journal articles.
Author books of multiple chapters.
Generate websites and blogs.
3 bookdown
The bookdown package is an open-source R package that facilitates writing books and long-form articles/reports with R Markdown. Features include:
Generate printer-ready books and ebooks from R Markdown documents.
A markup language easier to learn than LaTeX, and to write elements such as section headers, lists, quotes, figures, tables, and citations.
Multiple choices of output formats: PDF, LaTeX, HTML, EPUB, and Word.
Possibility of including dynamic graphics and interactive applications (HTML widgets and Shiny apps).
Support a wide range of languages: R, C/C++, Python, Fortran, Julia, Shell scripts, and SQL, etc.
LaTeX equations, theorems, and proofs work for all output formats.
Can be published to GitHub, bookdown.org, and any web servers.
Integrated with the RStudio IDE.
One-click publishing to https://bookdown.org.
4 blogdown
The goal of the blogdown package is to provide a powerful and customizable website output format for R Markdown. Use dynamic R Markdown documents to build webpages featuring:
R code (or other programming languages that knitr supports),
automatically rendered output such as graphics, tables, analysis results, and HTML widgets, and
technical writing elements such as citations, footnotes, and LaTeX math, enabled by the bookdown package.
By default, blogdown uses Hugo, a popular open-source static website generator, which provides a fast and flexible way to build your site content to be shared online. Other website generators like Jekyll and Hexo are also supported.
A useful feature of blogdown sites, compared to other R Markdown-based websites, is that you may organize your website content (including R Markdown files) within subdirectories. This makes blogdown a good solution not just for blogging or sites about R — it can also be used to create general-purpose websites to communicate about data science, statistics, data visualization, programming, or education.
5 pagedown
The traditional way to beautiful PDFs is often through LaTeX or Word, but have you ever thought of printing a web page to PDF? Web technologies (HTML/CSS/JavaScript) are becoming more and more amazing. It is entirely possible to create high-quality PDFs through Google Chrome or Chromium now. Web pages are usually single-page documents, but they can be paginated thanks to the JavaScript library Paged.js, so that you can have elements like headers, footers, and page margins for the printing purpose. In this talk, we introduce a new R package, pagedown (https://github.com/rstudio/pagedown), to create PDF documents based on R Markdown and Paged.js. Applications of pagedown includes, but not limited to, books, articles, posters, resumes, letters, and business cards. With the power of CSS and JavaScript, you can typeset your documents with amazing elegance (e.g., a single line of CSS, “tr:nth-child(even) { background: #eee; }”, will give you a striped table, and “border-radius: 50%;” gives you a circular element) and power (e.g., HTML Widgets).
6 pkgdown
pkgdown is designed to make it quick and easy to build a website for your package. You can see pkgdown in action at https://pkgdown.r-lib.org: this is the output of pkgdown applied to the latest version of pkgdown. Learn more in vignette(“pkgdown”) or ?build_site.
7 officedown
可以集成生成word和ppt的R包茸塞,基于的是R Markdown 躲庄。
The package facilitates the formatting of Microsoft Word documents produced by R Markdown documents by providing a range of features:
The package also enhances PowerPoint productions with R Markdown by providing a mechanism for placing results according to the slide template contained in the PowerPoint document used as “reference_doc”. It becomes easy to add several contents in the same slide.
8 ElegantBookdown
9 thesisdown
使用bookdown軟件包更新的R Markdown論文模板的包钾虐,是今后寫畢業(yè)論文的方向噪窘,目前衍生了若干高效的’down’,下面有各種例子效扫,有興趣的話倔监,你也可以自己制作一個。
This project was inspired by the bookdown package and is an updated version of my Senior Thesis template in the reedtemplates package here. It was originally designed to only work with the Reed College LaTeX template, but has since been adapted to work with many different institutions by many different individuals. Check out the Customizing thesisdown to your institution section below for examples.
Currently, the PDF and gitbook versions are fully-functional. The word and epub versions are developmental, have no templates behind them, and are essentially calls to the appropriate functions in bookdown.
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