Burkholderia pseudomalleiis a Gram-negative bacterium that causes melioidosis, which is a fatal disease?with high molality. This bacterium is predominantly distributed in tropical?regions like Southeast Asia and North Austria. Occasionally, melioidosis cases?have been reported in non-endemic regions. The clinical presentations of this?disease mainly are pneumonia and septicaemia. Certain clinical presentation?displays reginalspecificity. However, the relationship between the clinical presentation and genotypeof the bacterium is unclear, although the partition between the Australian andAsian population ofB. peudomailleihas been reported. To investigate the geographical distribution with genotype,the authors analysis 9 Malaysian strains and 39 other strains with sequence analysismethods. The methods are pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), multilocussequence typing (MLST) scheme and analysis of central intermediary metabolism(CIM) genes. CIM is a set of metabolic biochemical reactions in bacteria which arefatal to the growth, survival and response of bacterial according to theenvironmental perturbations. The genes related with CIM process are commonlyfound in both pathogenic and non-pathogenic bacterial. As these genes areinvolved in fatal metabolic processes, the authors evaluate the efficiency of thesegenes in genotypic characterization of?B.?peudomailleiisolates. The results they found were that the Malaysianstrains were classified into different clusters by all three methods. Hierarchicalclustering using UniFrac distance suggests that the Australian isolates aregenetically far distance from the Asian isolates. And the Malaysian strainsshow closer relatedness with Asian strains than Australian. The PFGE method issuitable for localized epidemiological studies. Compared to MLST, CIM is morediscriminative for the non-related strains and better clustering the strainsfrom different geographic regions.