"Resemblance" usually refers to the similarity in appearance, shape, characteristics, etc. between people or things. It emphasizes the similarity on the outside, rather than the inside. For example:
There is a resemblance between the two sisters. (The two sisters look alike.)
The building resembles a palace. (The building looks like a palace.)
"Similarity" refers more broadly to any similarity between people or things, not just the similarity in appearance, but also including the similarity within. It can be used to compare the similarities between different things or concepts. For example:
There is a similarity between the two theories. (There are similarities between the two theories.)
The similarity in their behavior is striking. (Their behavior is surprisingly similar.)
In general, "resemblance" focuses more on the similarity in appearance, while "similarity" focuses more on any similarity, including the similarity in appearance and within.
"Resemblance" 和 "similarity" 都有“相似”的意思废赞,但它們在用法上有一些區(qū)別。
"Resemblance" 通常指的是人或事物之間的外貌、形狀、特征等方面的相似之處。它更強調外表上的相似获黔,而不是內在的相似拒逮。例如:
There is a resemblance between the two sisters. (這兩姐妹長得很像硕噩。)
The building resembles a palace. (這座建筑像一座宮殿骇径。)
"Similarity" 則更廣泛地指的是人或事物之間的任何相似之處躯肌,不僅限于外表上的相似,還可以包括內在的相似破衔。它可以用來比較不同的事物或概念之間的相似性清女。例如:
There is a similarity between the two theories. (這兩個理論有相似之處。)
The similarity in their behavior is striking. (他們的行為有著驚人的相似之處晰筛。)
總的來說嫡丙,"resemblance" 更側重于外表上的相似,而 "similarity" 更側重于任何方面的相似读第,可以包括外表和內在的相似曙博。